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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  《西游记》变脸美剧 吴彦祖任武术指导   AMC demonstrated its flexibility in its range of programming Friday in announcing a straight-to-series order for the martial arts drama Badlands.   AMC电视台周五公布了其拍摄计划,宣布预定武术题材新剧《Badlands》。   The six-episode series is to premiere in late 2015 or early 2016.   本剧总共六季,将在2015年年底或2016年年初首次上映。   Loosely based on the classic Chinese tale Journey to the West, the series centers on a warrior and a young boy who embark on an adventure across a dangerous land to find enlightenment, according to the network s release.   据AMC之声消息,本剧由中国四大名著之一《西游记》改编而成,剧情讲述一位伟大的战士和一个小男孩,经历危险旅程、寻找极乐世界的故事。   The series becomes the network s third series to get a straight-to-series order, after The Walking Dead and next year s Breaking Bad prequel Better Call Saul.   继《行尸走肉》和明年上映的《绝命毒师》衍生剧《风骚律师》后,《Badlands》将是AMC电视台第三部全剧集美剧。   Badlands was created by writers/show runners Al Gough and Miles Millar . The duo will act as executive producers along with Stacy Sher and Michael Shamberg and master martial arts filmmakers Daniel Wu and Stephen Fung.   《Badlands》由作家/编剧Al Gough和Miles Millar联合创作。这二位将和Stacy Sher和Michael Shamberg共同担制片人,武术电影演员吴彦祖和导演冯德伦将担任武术指导。   This creative team has so much expertise in bringing a fresh take to classic genres from their film and television experience, and their take on martial arts will be no exception, read part of the statement from Joel Stillerman, AMCs executive vice president of original programming, production and digital content. Along with a beautiful story, they ve also assembled the A-team of martial arts fight choreography in Daniel Wu and Stephen Fung.   这一富有创造力的团队精英荟萃,他们电影电视从业经验丰富,势必给本剧注入新鲜血液。AMC原创节目、制作及数字媒体部执行副总裁斯蒂尔曼说道,本剧不仅有美妙的故事情节,还由一流武打演员编剧吴彦祖、冯德伦与我们联手打造。



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