北极熊受阿根廷40度高温折磨 This is Arturo, a polar bear living in South America who has been called the worlds saddest animal. 这只生活在南美洲的北极熊名叫Arturo,它被人们称为世界上最悲伤的动物。 He sits in a concrete enclosure at Mendoza Zoo in Argentina in temperatures of up to 40C and is said to have been depressed since his long-term friend Pelusa died two years ago. 它居住在阿根廷门多萨动物园里,馆内温度高达40摄氏度。据称,自从它一直以来的好友Pelusa两年前去世后,就一直很抑郁。 It is claimed the 29-year-olds lonely life is causing him to display abnormal behaviour, including tilting his head and showing his teeth while pacing back and forth and rocking from side to side. 29年的孤单生活让它出现了一些反常的行为,包括摇头晃脑,露出自己的牙齿,前后不断踱来踱去,或是左右晃来晃去。 US singer Cher, 68, said on Twitter: Dont cry for him, Argentina? No tears of Mrs Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner for tortured polar bear Arturo. Your hands are stained with his blood when he dies. 68岁的美国歌手雪儿在推特上说:别为它哭泣,阿根廷?你们没有为这只受尽折磨的北极熊Arturo哭泣。当它死亡时,你们的双手将沾满它的鲜血。 Animal rights activists now want Arturo - whose only access to cooling water in his enclosure is said to be a pool just 20in deep - moved to another zoo that offers cooler conditions. 动物权益保护者现在希望可以将Arturo转移到另一个环境更凉快的动物园里。现在Arturo唯一的降暑方式就是在一个只有50厘米深的池塘里游泳。 Mendoza Zoo blocked an effort five months ago to move Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg, Canada - where a new International Polar Bear Conservation Centre is located, reported the Sunday People. 据《周日人民报》报道,门多萨动物园5个月前曾拒绝将Arturo转移至加拿大温尼伯的阿西尼玻公园动物园,该公园动物园内新建了一个国际北极熊保护中心。 The zoo did not believe the bear would survive the two-day trip, with director Gustavo Pronotto saying the medical board had made a decision - and officials were keen to avoid a big mistake. 门多萨动物园认为Arturo忍受不了2天的旅程,且动物园主任古斯塔沃波诺托表示医委会已经做出了决定,官方力求避免出现重大失误。 Greenpeace had gathered 160,000 signatures in a campaign to transfer Arturo urgently to Canada, which it said has weather that more closely resembles what occurs in his natural habitat. 绿色和平组织在一次活动中收集了16万份签名,呼吁立即将Arturo转移到加拿大,他们表示那里的气候更接近北极熊原本居住的自然环境。 Argentinian professor Fernanda Arentsen, who teaches at Universit de Saint-Boniface in Winnipeg, has written to her government and the Canadian Embassy in Buenos Aires over the issue. 在温尼伯圣邦尼菲斯大学学院任教的阿根廷教授费尔南达阿伦特森已向政府和加拿大驻布宜诺斯艾利斯大使馆写信反映该问题。 He looks so sad. He looks in pain. You can imagine a polar bear in the desert with a swimming pool 50cm deep. Its difficult to watch this poor animal suffering and in pain. 它看上去很伤心,很痛苦。你可以想象得出,一只生活在沙漠中的北极熊只有一个50厘米深的游泳池,它这么受苦,我真的看不下去了。
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