Matt Myles, 27, from Hereford, was working gruelling night shifts in a factory when a Euromillions ticket bought on a whim netted him a surprise 1million windfall.
And he wasted no time in putting his newfound wealth to good use - jetting off to Indonesia before the money had even hit his account.
Mr Myles took off on his round-the-world tour in April, taking his brother Pete, 26, along for the ride and picking up his tab.
So far his lavish lifestyle has taken him to Hong Kong, Bali and Thailand. He then set off for Brazil, where England s disappointing World Cup performance failed to dampen the experience.
Still on his hit list are visiting Machu Picchu in Peru, diving at Australias Great Barrier Reef, bungee jumping into the Grand Canyon in Arizona, driving across Route 66 in a Ford Mustang.
He then hopes to canoe the Amazon, walking the Great Wall of China and seeing the pyramids in Egypt, enjoy a fortnight of partying with his friends in Ibiza and volunteer with Unicef in Africa for three months.
Mr Myles, who used to serve in the Army, told the Sunday People: From travelling the world to meeting celebrities I couldnt have made this up in my wildest dreams - They say money cant buy happiness but I have never been happier.
Before the shock win, he said: I was working night shifts and was worried Id have to move back home to save some money. While the next 12 months will be incredible, I wont change. Ill live as I always have go big or go home!
However, despite the apparent gusto with which he is spending his winnings, Mr Myles says he has set himself a limit of 100,000.
Upon winning, he invested half of the cash and is ploughing much of the remainder into establishing a property business with friends, and hopes to train as an airline pilot.
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