篇章:睡前玩手机影响睡眠伤眼睛 More than nine out of 10 young people expose themselves to the blue light from smartphones and tablets, before bed, causing problems with sleep。 90%的年轻人睡前都有玩智能手机或平板电脑的习惯,这其实会影响你的睡眠哦。 A new survey also shows more than 28m people in the UK regularly get no more than seven hours sleep a night。 一项新的研究发现,英国约2800万人睡眠不足7小时。 Prof Richard Wiseman, who commissioned the YouGov poll described the findings as extremely worrying 。 英国著名的大众心理学教授理查德怀斯曼是这次调查的发起人,他形容这次的结果发现非常令人揪心。 Of the 2,149 adults questioned, 78% said they used electronic devices before going to bed. This rose to 91% among the 18 to 24-year-olds questioned in the survey。 在被调查的2149位成人中,78%表示他们睡前会使用电子设备。其中18-24岁的调查者中睡前玩手机的人数飙升到91%。 Getting less than seven hours sleep a night is below the recommended guidelines, and is associated with a range of problems, including an increased risk of weight gain, heart attacks, diabetes and cancer。 睡眠不足7小时低于正常值,会带来一系列的健康问题,包括体重增加、心脏病、糖尿病以及癌症。 The blue light from these devices suppresses the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, so it s important to avoid them before bed time, said Prof Richard Wiseman, from the University of Hertfordshire。 电子设备发出的蓝光阻碍了诱发睡眠荷尔蒙抗黑变激素的产生,所以睡前最好不要玩手机。 Everyone needs different amounts of sleep, but adults are generally thought to require a minimum of seven to eight hours a night. Teenagers are recommended to get more, about nine hours。 每个人都需要不同时间量的睡眠,但成人一般而言最少需要七到八小时。青少年最好睡得再多点,大概九小时的样子。 The proportion of people thought to be getting too little sleep had risen by a fifth since a bedroom poll conducted last year by the National Sleep Foundation。 而相比去年国际睡眠协会的睡前调研来说,睡眠严重不足的人数已经明显涨到20%。 The people surveyed were asked if they used a computer, tablet or smartphone in the two hours before bed. They were also asked about dreams and just one in ten agreed with the statement: I would describe my dreams as pleasant. 被调查者均被问及是否睡前两小时使用过电脑、平板电脑或手机。同时还咨询了他们的梦境。只有10%的人声称:我做了个美梦。 Last week it was revealed opticians were warning that overuse of smartphones may be increasing people s risk of eye damage. Optician Andy Hepworth said: Blue violet light is potentially hazardous and toxic to the back of your eyes。 上周,有验光师警告过度使用手机会增加眼睛损伤的风险。验光师安迪赫普沃思说:蓝紫光本身就对眼睛有害。 So over a long period of time it can potentially damage your eyes. When you re looking at a smart phone, the light peaking out of that is blue violet。 所以长时间之后,会损害你的眼睛。当使用手机时,透出的光就是蓝紫光。 The news came as a survey of 2,000 people suggests under-25s check their phones 32 times a day。 这项调查发现,25岁以下的2000位调查者中一天要查看手机32次。
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