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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  篇章:在树林里考试 防热防作弊   That s one way to hot desk! Classroom gets so warm during heat wave in China that students take exams in the FOREST. Teachers at the school, in Jinzhou city, moved whole classroom outside. They were worried that pupils might overheat as heat wave sweeps China. Bizarrely teachers claim sitting exams outside also help prevent cheating.   新的热桌办公方式抢先看!热浪来袭,教室越来越热了,于是校方想到让学生们在树林里进行考试! 在荆州,老师们把整个教室搬到了室外。高温浪潮开始席卷中国,他们担心学生会太热。令人比较诧异的是,老师们认为在户外考试还可以防止学生作弊。湖北一高校在树林里考试:防热防作弊。   Students at a Chinese high school gave new meaning to the practice of hot desking during a heat wave this week and sat their exams in a forest.   本周在高温来袭时,一所中国高校的学生们给hot desking一词赋予了新的解释,那就是在树林里进行考试。   Teachers at the school, in Jinzhou city in Hubei province, were worried their pupils might overheat during their end-of-term tests so they moved all tables and chairs outside. And not only did it allow the students to take their exams with a cool breeze on their backs but also made it harder to cheat, headmaster Luk Chien claimed.   湖北荆州一所学校的老师们担心学生在期末考试时气温过高,所以把所有的桌子和椅子都搬出了教室。校长钱露克声称,一来学生在考试的时候可以享受下后背吹来的凉风习习,二来又可以避免作弊。   The 56-year-old declared: Nature has blessed us with beautiful weather - I suggest we show our appreciation for it by going outside to enjoy the sunshine which will have a nourishing effect on both bodies and minds!   这位56岁的校长宣称:大自然恩赐给我们美好的天气。我建议我们用享受户外阳光的方式来感激它,让自然滋养我们的灵魂和身体!   It is easier in an enclosed and crowded space for students who are tempted to be untruthful to copy or crib the answers from their friends. Outside we were able to space the desks much more widely apart and had a better overview.   在封闭和拥挤的空间里,学生更容易变得不诚实,去抄袭或者剽窃他们朋友的考卷答案。而在户外,我们能把课桌距离分得更开,也能更好地监考。 There is fresh air outdoors and the weather is fine in this season. Taking exams.



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