2015年考研英语阅读习题演练 (15)-查字典英语网
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2015年考研英语阅读习题演练 (15)

发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  One of the most exciting and enriching experiences a person can have is that of living abroad.   Whether one spends a year away or many,living abroad is the first opportunity one has to stand on the outside of ones country and look in,to compare cultures,procedures,mentalities,etc.Wein the U.S.A.do very little REAL travelling abroad,much less living,and this bent toward isolation is probably detrimental to us in the long run.Living abroad,however,works better when it is a choice and not an obligation.I know of several cases in which a few people were persuaded by others that the solutions to their domestic problems lay in living abroad.In these cases,it was the wrong advice.These people were,for the most part,like fish out of the bowl and overall,everything went wrong and only a few things right.   What country and what part of the world should one choose ? Here,personal interests and/or curiosity enter the picture.Additionally,one need not think in terms of a single country but two or three.It is easier.of course,to get in and out of aWestern WorldorChristiancountry since these usually share our sense of values,also,a country traditionally and firmly considered a political ally is an option.such as Japan.Even it is fairlywesternized。   After choosing several candidate countries,one should do research as extensively as possible on these countries.Contact with the embassies needs to be made in order to find out the degree of difficulty in getting a visa or permit to work.What kind of work is available? Which professions and/or occupations are needed most ? How do the answers to these questions tie in with your profession or occupation? Many of the long-term or permanent expats in any given country usually married foreigners orlocalsand,as a result,enjoy the privilege of having TWO countries in which to live.   One of the countries might be more favorable than the other due to factors such as jobs,lifestyle,cultural interests,pace of living,climate,the couples ages,etc.one who is ambitious sense is unlikely to go and spend five to ten years in a country that pays poor wages, yet the same country might be appropriate for the person who is ambitious to achieve greater depth in culture ,academics ,spirituality ,languages ,ect.   1.The worddetrimental most probable means____   [A]determined [B]marvelous [C]harmful [D]hopeful   2.According to the author,living_______   [A]is the first choice of many Americans [B]is a wrong advice   [C]is just a choice [D]can promote cultural communication   3.What kind of country should be considered while choosing a foreign country?   [A] The country one is interested in.   [B] The country with different religions.   [C] The country sharing the same political system.   [D] The county in the same continent.   4.As for the candidate countries,one should_____.   [A]investigate everything about these countries   [B]get adequate information from the embassies   [C]predict career future in those countries   [D]find some local to marry   5.We learn from the last paragraph that______   [A]jobs and lifestyle are the most important factors in choosing a foreign country   [B]no one would like to live in a county with poor wages   [C]ambitious people may live in a poor country for no more than five years   [D]countries with poor payment may attract those interested in culture and academics   核心词汇   Detrimental adj.有害的 expat n.移居国外者,被流放者   spirituality n.精神性,灵性   难句点津   One who is ambitious in a material sense is unlikely to go and spend five to ten years in a country that pays poor wages.yet the same country might be appropriate for me person who is ambitious to achieve greater depth in culture,academics,spirituality,languages,etc.   [点津]该句主句为yet连接的并列句。前一个分句的主干是One is unlikely to go and spend five to ten years;其中who引导的定语从句修饰主语one,that引导的定语从句修饰country.后一个分句的主干是The country might be appropriate,who引导的定语从句修饰person.   一个人能拥有的最令人兴奋和最长阅历的经历之一就是在国外生活。无论是一年还是许多年,在国外生活是一个人第一次站在国门外审视自己的国家,进行文化、程序、思想等方面的比较。在美国我们很少真正去国外旅游,到国外生活就更少了。从长远来看,这种倾向于孤立的状态对我们来说很有可能是有害的。然而,当在国外生活是一种选择而不是一种义务时,情况要好得多。我了解的几个例子中,一些人说服他人说解决国内问题的最好办法就是移居国外。在这些例子中,这是个错误的建议。在很大程度上,这些人就像离开水的鱼,总体来看,所有的事情都有问题,只有一些是对的。   应该选择哪个国家和哪个地区呢?这里应该考虑的是个人的兴趣和/或好奇心。此外,不应该只考虑一个国家,而是两三个国家。当然,出入一个西方世界或基督教国家要容易些,因为他们通常和我们的价值观相同。而且,一个国家传统上会把明确地政治联盟看作是一种选择。比如日本。即使它也是相当西方化的。   在选定几个备选国家之后,应该尽可能广泛地调查这些国家。需要与这些国家的大使馆联系。以确定得到签证或工作许可的难易程度。要确定这些国家能够提供哪种工作?他们最需要哪些专业或职业?这些问题的答案与你的专业和职业有怎样的关系?许多长期或永久移居国外者通常会与外国人或当地人结婚,这样的话,他们就能享受在两个国家居住的特权。   其中的一个国家可能会因为工作、生活方式、文化兴趣、生活节奏、气候和配偶的年龄等因素比另外一个国家更受人欢迎。一个对物质生活要求很高的人是不可能去一个工资水平很低的国家居住5到10年的,然而,同样的国家或许更适合一个对文化、学术、精神生活和语言等方面有较高兴趣的人。   参考答案   1. C 语义题。文章第一段首先提到居住在国外的好处,接下来被考查词所在句提到我们美国人很少进行真正的出国旅行,更别说在国外居住了,从长远来看,这种与世隔绝的倾向可能对我们是。下文是讲到外国居住需注意的问题,可推断作者对出国居住是持赞同观点的 , 由此可推断,作者认为很少到国外旅行及居住是有害处的。所以C正确。   2. D 推断题。文章第一段第二句指出,居住在国外使得一个人第一次有机会处于自己的国家之外,对比不同国家的文化、办事程序、思想等,由此推断,居住在国外可以促进文化交流,所以D正确。该段第三句提到,美国人很少出国旅行,更别说在国外居住了,可见在国外居住并非许多美国人的首选,故排除A;第四句指出,当居住在国外是一种选择而非义务时,其效果会好得多,可见居住在国外不仅是一种选择,也可能是本人不得已而为之的义务,故排除C;该段最后提到,把国内解决不了的问题寄予到国外居住来解决是错误的建议,但并非所有出国居住的建议都是错误的,故排除B.   3. A 细节题。文章第二段开头提到,在选择国家时,首先要考虑个人的兴趣或好奇心所在,可见应该选择自己感兴趣的国家,所以A正确。该段还提到,对于美国人来说,到一个西方国家或信奉基督教的国家居住相对要容易一些,并不是如B选项所说,要选择不同信仰的国家,故排除B;该段接着说道,到日本等政治联盟国家居住也比较容易,而并非政治体系相同的国家,故排除c;原文并未提到要选择在同一大陆上的国家,故排除D.   4. B 推断题。文章第三段第二句提到,应该和大使馆联系以便确定拿到签证或工作许可的困难程度,由此推断,在选定候选国家之后,应该从大使馆获取适当的信息,故选B.该段首句提到,应尽可能多地去了解选定的国家,但调查有关这些国家的一切显然是不可能的,故排除。   5. D 推断题。本题可采用排除法。最后一段首句提到,工作、生活方式、文化兴趣、生活节奏、气候等都是选择一个国家的因素,但并未表明工作和生活方式是最重要的因素,故排除A;该段接下来提到注重物质条件的人不可能去薪水较低的国家待5到10年,然而同样的国家却可能适合想要在文化、学术、语言等方面有所作为的人,可见在文化和学术方面有抱负的人可能在薪水较低的国家长期居住,故排除B、C,确定D为答案。



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