Ceremonies of the OlympicGames
TheOlympic Games have always included a number of ceremonies, many of whichemphasize the themes of international friendship and peaceful cooperation. The openingceremony has always included the parade1 of nations, in which the teams fromeach nation enter the main stadium as part of a procession. The Greek teamalways enters first, to commemorate2 the ancient origins of the modern Games,and the team of the host nation always enters last. The opening ceremony hasevolved3 over the years into a complex extravaganza4, with music, speeches, andpageantry5. It is eagerly anticipated and well attended. The torch relay6, inwhich the Olympic Flame symbolizes the transmission of Olympic ideals fromancient Greece to the modern world, was introduced as part of the openingceremony at the 1936 Summer Games in Berlin. In the relay the torch is lit inOlympia, Greece, and is carried over several weeks or months from there to thehost city by a series of runners. After the last runner has lit the OlympicFlame in the main Olympic stadium, the host countryshead of state declares the Games officially open, and doves are released tosymbolize the hope of world peace.
Twoother important ceremonial innovations had appeared earlier at the 1920 Gamesin Antwerp, Belgium. The Olympic Flag, with its five interlocking rings ofdifferent colors against a white background, was flown for the first time. Thefive rings represent unity among the nations of Africa, the Americas, Asia,Australia, and Europe. Another innovation occurring in 1920 was the firstreciting of the Olympic Oath, taken in the name of all the athletes by a memberof the hosts team. The oath asserts7 the athletes commitment to the ideals of sportsmanship in competition.
另外两项重要的仪式革新,早在1920年出现在比利时安特卫普奥运会上。当时一面白地五环奥林匹克旗首次升起。这面旗是在白色衬底上画有五个互相扣连在一起的不同颜色的圆环。五环代表非洲、美洲、亚洲、澳洲和欧洲国家的团结。 1920年的另一项革新是,首次由东道主运动队选出的一名成员以全体运动员的名义背诵奥林匹克运动会誓词,宣誓运动员要在竞赛中发扬运动员理想和精神。
Medalceremonies are also an important part of the Games. After each individual eventduring the Games, medals are awarded in a ceremony to the first-, second-, andthird-place finishers. The winners mount8 a podium9 to receive gold ,silver , and bronze medals. While the nationalflags of all three competitors are hoisted10,the national anthem of the winners country is played.
Originallythere was another parade of nations during the closing ceremonies of the Games.At the end of the 1956 Summer Games in Melbourne, Australia, however, theathletes broke ranks and mingled together to celebrate the occasion. Thiscustom was continued in subsequent Games. After the athletes join in the mainOlympic stadium in celebration, the president of the IOC invites the athletesand spectators to meet again at the site of the next Games. The IOC presidentthen declares the Games ended, and the Olympic Flame is extinguished.
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