Thegrowth in the number of people working in research and development might seemto contradict this picture of a less inventive economy: the share of theAmerican economy given over to R D has expanded by a third since 1975, toalmost 3%. But Pierre Azoulay of MIT and Benjamin Jones of NorthwesternUniversity find that, though there are more people in research, they are doingless good. They reckon that in 1950 an average R D worker in Americacontributed almost seven times more to total factor productivityessentially,the contribution of technology and innovation to growththat an R D worker in 2000 did. One factor in this may be the burden of knowledge: as ideas accumulate ittakes ever longer for new thinkers to catch up with the frontier of theirscientific or technical speciality. Mr Jones says that, from 1985 to 1997alone, the typical age at first innovation rose by about one year.
Afall of moondust
Thethird argument is the simplest: the evidence of your senses. The recent rate ofprogress seems slow compared with that of the early and mid-20th century. Takekitchens. In 1900 kitchens in even the poshest of households were primitivethings. Perishables were kept cool in ice boxes, fed by blocks of ice deliveredon horse-drawn wagons. Most households lacked electric lighting and runningwater. Fast forward to 1970 and middle-class kitchens in America and Europefeature gas and electric hobs and ovens, fridges, food processors, microwavesand dishwashers. Move forward another 40 years, though, and things scarcelychange. The gizmos are more numerous and digital displays ubiquitous, butcooking is done much as it was by grandma.
Ortake speed. In the 19th century horses and sailboats were replaced by railwaysand steamships. Internal-combustion engines and jet turbines made it possibleto move more and more things faster and faster. But since the 1970s humanityhas been coasting. Highway travel is little faster than it was 50 years ago;indeed, endemic congestion has many cities now investing in trams and bicyclelanes. Supersonic passenger travel has been abandoned. So, for the past 40years, has the moon.
Medicineoffers another example. Life expectancy at birth in America soared from 49years at the turn of the 20th century to 74 years in 1980. Enormous technicaladvances have occurred since that time. Yet as of 2011 life expectancy restedat just 78.7 years. Despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent on research,people continue to fall to cancer, heart disease, stroke and organ failure.Molecular medicine has come nowhere close to matching the effects of improvedsanitation.
To those fortunate enough to benefit from the best that the worldhas to offer, the fact that it offers no more can disappoint. As Mr Thiel andhis colleagues at the Founders Fund, a venture-capital company, put it: We wantedflying cars, instead we got 140 characters. A world where allcan use Twitter but hardly any can commute by air is less impressive than thefutures dreamed of in the past.
The first thing to point out about this appeal to experience andexpectation is that the science fiction of the mid-20th century, important asit may have been to people who became entrepreneurs or economists with a tastefor the big picture, constituted neither serious technological forecasting nora binding commitment. It was a celebration through extrapolation of thencurrent progress in speed, power and distance. For cars read flying cars; forbattlecruisers read space cruisers.
Technological progress does not require all technologies to moveforward in lock step, merely that some important technologies are always movingforward. Passenger aeroplanes have not improved much over the past 40 years interms of their speed. Computers have sped up immeasurably. Unless you can showthat planes matter more, to stress the stasis over the progress is simply amatter of taste.
Mr Gordon and Mr Cowen do think that now-mature technologies such asair transport have mattered more, and play down the economic importance ofrecent innovations. If computers and the internet mattered to the economyrather thanmerely as rich resources for intellectual and cultural exchange, as experiencedon Mr Cowen s popular blog, Marginal Revolutiontheir effect wouldbe seen in the figures. And it hasn t been.
As early as 1987 Robert Solow, a growth theorist, had been askingwhy you can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivitystatistics. A surge in productivity growth that began in the mid-1990s wasseen as an encouraging sign that the computers were at last becoming visible;but it faltered, and some, such as Mr Gordon, reckon that the benefits ofinformation technology have largely run their course. He notes that, for allits inhabitants Googling and Skypeing, America s productivity performance since2004 has been worse than that of the doldrums from the early 1970s to the early1990s.
The fountains of paradise
Closer analysis of recent figures, though, suggests reason foroptimism. Across the economy as a whole productivity did slow in 2005 and 2006butproductivity growth in manufacturing fared better. The global financial crisisand its aftermath make more recent data hard to interpret. As for the strongproductivity growth in the late 1990s, it may have been premature to see it asthe effect of information technology making all sorts of sectors moreproductive. It now looks as though it was driven just by the industriesactually making the computers, mobile phones and the like. The effects on theproductivity of people and companies buying the new technology seem to havebegun appearing in the 2000s, but may not yet have come into their own.Research by Susanto Basu of Boston College and John Fernald of the SanFrancisco Federal Reserve suggests that the lag between investments ininformation-and-communication technologies and improvements in productivity isbetween five and 15 years. The drop in productivity in 2004, on that reckoning,reflected a state of technology definitely pre-Google, and quite possiblypre-web.
然而,对近期数据的仔细分析显示出乐观的理由。纵观整个经济体,生产率在2005年和2006年确实放缓不过,制造业的生产率增长表现较好。全球金融危机及其余波使得对更多近期数据的分析难以进行。至于20世纪90年代出现的强劲的生产力增长,把它看作是让所有部门更具竞争力的信息技术的影响还为时尚早。目前看来,这或许只是被生产计算机、手机以及与此相关产品的产业所带动的结果。个人和公司购买新技术对生产率的影响似乎从21世纪开始就已经开始,但是这种影响可能尚未进入全盛时期。波士顿大学的 Susanto Basu和旧金山联邦储备银行John Fernald认为,信息通讯技术的投资与生产率的改进之间存在着5-15年的滞后。据此推论,2004年的生产力下降反映出的状况据对是谷歌出现之前,并且还很可能是互联网出现之前的状况。
Full exploitation of a technology can take far longer than that.Innovation and technology, though talked of almost interchangeably, are not thesame thing. Innovation is what people newly know how to do. Technology is whatthey are actually doing; and that is what matters to the economy. Steel boxesand diesel engines have been around since the 1900s, and their use together incontainerised shipping goes back to the 1950s. But their great impact as thebackbone of global trade did not come for decades after that.
Roughly a century lapsed between the first commercial deployments ofJames Watt s steam engine and steam s peak contribution to British growth. Somefour decades separated the critical innovations in electrical engineering ofthe 1880s and the broad influence of electrification on economic growth. MrGordon himself notes that the innovations of the late 19th century droveproductivity growth until the early 1970s; it is rather uncharitable of him toassume that the post-2004 slump represents the full exhaustion of potentialgains from information technology.
And information innovation is still in its infancy. Ray Kurzweil, apioneer of computer science and a devotee of exponential technologicalextrapolation, likes to talk of the second half of the chess board. There is an oldfable in which a gullible king is tricked into paying an obligation in grainsof rice, one on the first square of a chessboard, two on the second, four onthe third, the payment doubling with every square. Along the first row, theobligation is minuscule. With half the chessboard covered, the king is out onlyabout 100 tonnes of rice. But a square before reaching the end of the seventhrow he has laid out 500m tonnes in totalthe whole world sannual rice production. He will have to put more or less the same amount againon the next square. And there will still be a row to go.
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