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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选材规范、标准演练;循序渐进、梯度提升;题量丰富、有效提高;技巧同步、一语中的;缩略速记,全面覆盖。 注意直接听写正文

  UN has claimed that the number of people on the globe should as expected reach 9.2 billion in 2050, which will include elderly persons numbering 1 billion. One of the surprises is that population growth is most concentrated in the 60 plus age group, which is expected almost to triple. Whilst many regard the aging of the population as a triumph of a civilized and caring society, others see it as a major problem facing the community. The increasing aging population will cause the increase in the dependency ratio. This means that there will be more people claiming benefits such as state pensions, and less people working and paying income taxes. Thus, those in work will have to pay higher taxes. This could create disincentives to work and for firms to invest, therefore there could be a fall in productivity growth. The shortage of workers could push up wages, causing wage inflation.

  联合国发表声明称预计全球人口在2050年会达到92亿人次,其中包括一亿老年人。 令人惊讶的是人口增长大多集中在60岁以上,据预计会翻三倍。 尽管很多人认为老年人口增长现象被很多人认为是民主权利与和谐社会的胜利,但其他人认为这是当代社会面临的一个主要问题。 老年人口的增长会导致依赖比率的提高。这意味着会有更多人拿到国内老年抚恤金,更少的人去工作并缴税。 因此,在工作的人需要交更高的税。 这会打击工人和投资者的积极性,阻碍生产力的提高。 工人的短缺和老年问题会导致通货膨胀。



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