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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  ① M: Your son seems to have made much progress in playing the

  piano. Does he attend any piano classes?

  W: Yes,he takes lessons twice a week,but from next week on,he

  will go to the class on Saturday evenings, too.

  Q: How often will the womans son have piano lessons from next

  week on?

  A. Once a week. B. Twice a week.

  C. Three times a week. D. Four times a week.


  ② W: Professor Clark said that the mid-term exam would cover the

  first 15 lessons.

  M: Really?I thought it only included the first 12 lessons.Then

  I must spend the weekend to go over the rest of the lessons.

  Q: How many lessons must the man review over the weekend?

  A. Five lessons. B. Three lessons.

  C. Twelve lessons D. Fifteen lessons.


  ③ W:Heres a 10-dollar bill.Give me two tickets for tonights

  show please.

  M: Sure. Two tickets and here is $1,40 change.

  Q: How much does one ticket cost?

  A. $1.40. B. $4.30. C. $6.40. D. $8.60







  ① W:Im thinking of going to Austin for a visit.Do you think its

  worth seeing?

  M: Well, I wish I had been there.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  A. The man is planning a trip to Austin.

  B. The man has not been to Austin before.

  C. The man doesnt like Austin.

  D. The man has been to Austin before.

  I wish I had been there.说明说话人没有去过。

  ② W:If it hadnt been snowing so hard,I might have been home by 9


  M:Its too bad you didnt make it.Jane was here and she wanted

  to see you.

  Q: What happened to the woman?

  A. She got home before 9 oclock.

  B. She had a bad cold.

  C. She had a car accident.

  D. She was delayed.

  If it hadnt been snowing so hard, I might have been home by 9 oclock.说明因为雪太大,说话者未能在9点前到家。也就是说she was delayed.



  ① W:The movie starts in 5 minutes and theres bound to be a long


  M:Why dont we come back for the next show?Im sure it would be

  less crowded.

  Q: What is the man suggesting?

  A. Coming back for a later show.

  B. Waiting in a queue.

  C. Coming back in five minutes.

  D. Not going to the movie today.

  Why dont?上一种建议表达方式,根据该句所表达的内容可以判断答案是A.

  ② W:We do need another bookshelf in this room.But the problem is

  the space for it.

  M: How about moving the old dining table to the kitchen?

  Q: What does the man suggest they should do?

  A. Finding a larger room. B. Sell the old table.

  C. Buy two bookshelves. D. Rearrange some furniture.

  根据moving the dining table to the kitchen来判断答案为D.


  Why not ? What do you think of ?

  If I were you/If I were in your shoes, I would

  Shall we ? I suggest 。

  Youd better/You ought to。

  (3) 对话题的考查


  ① W: Do you want a day course or an evening course?

  M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work

  during the day.

  Q: What are they talking about?

  A. The choice of courses. B. A day course.

  C. An evening course. D. Their work.


  ② M:I was terribly embarrassed when some of the audience got up

  and left in the middle of the performance.

  W:Well, some people just cant seem to appreciate the real-life


  Q: What are they talking about?

  A. A movie. B. A lecture. C. A play. D. A speech.

  从对话中的audience, performance与其说 drama可以判断他们所谈论的是a play.



  ①M: What do you think of Professor Browns lecture?

  W: The topic was interesting, but the lecture was much more

  difficult to follow than I had expected.

  Q: What does the woman say about the lecture?

  A. It was a long lecture, but easy to understand.

  B. It was not as easy as she had expected.

  C. It was as difficult as she had expected.

  D. It was interesting and easy to follow.

  与much more difficult to follow than I had expected同义的应该是B.

  ②M: Nancy, why were you late today?

  W: I overslept and missed the bus.

  Q: Why was Nancy late?

  A. She got up later than usual. B. The bus was late.

  C. She forgot she had class. D. Her clock was slow.

  overslept也就是got up later than usual.

  ③M:Did you mind coming back by coach instead of by train?

  W:No, we didnt mind at all. It took a lot longer, but it was

  very comfortable and it was much cheaper.

  Q:How did the woman feel about the coming back by coach?

  A. She felt it was tiring. B. She felt it was very nice.

  C. She felt it took less time.D. She thought it was expensive.

  从comfortable和 much cheaper来看,女士的感觉应该是very nice,答案应该是B.



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