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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  A) The party doesnt interest him.

  B) He may already have plans.

  C) Hed like to bring a guest to the party.

  D) Hed rather come another time.


  A) Put a little more pepper in the stew.

  B) Taste the stew to see if it needs paper.

  C) Check the recipe to see if they followed it correctly.

  D) Serve the stew as it is.


  A) Keep looking for his wallet.

  B) Report the theft of the wallet right away.

  C) Put his wallet in his jacket pocket.

  D) Be more careful with his wallet.


  A) She wants to know where Tom heard the stories.

  B) Shes surprised Tom was so serious last night.

  C) Tom doesnt usually tell funny stories.

  D) The stories probably werent true.


  A) He wants to go early to avoid a traffic jam.

  B) He wants to leave the theater before the movie is over.

  C) He doesnt know the way to the theater.

  D) He doesnt usually get up at 7:00.



  66. W:We are having a party at our house on the weekend of the 30th. Would you like to join us?

  M:That sounds like a lot of fun. But Ill need to check my calendar first.

  Q:What does the man imply?

  67. M:Mary, Ive got the bowls out for the stew. Do you think it needs any more pepper before I serve it?

  W:Its really quite nice and we did exactly what the recipe says. Why take a chance of ruining it?

  Q:What does the woman imply the man should do?

  68. M:If I dont find my wallet pretty soon, Im going to have to report it stolen.

  W:Hold on. Before you call the campus security office, have you checked your car or you jacket pocket, everywhere?

  Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?

  69. M:Those were such funny stories Tom told last night. He was like a totally different guy.

  W:Yeah, really. He is normally so serious. What do you think brought all that out of him.

  Q:What does the woman imply?

  70. W:Why are you leaving so early? The movie doesnt start till seven.

  M:I dont want to be in the traffic there. Its a nightmare on the expressway during rush hour.

  Q:What does the man mean?



  66.B 男子的回答先是肯定了对方的提议,然后but一转,表示委婉的拒绝。check the calendar:核对日历,暗示核对是否有其它安排。

  67.D ruin:毁坏,破坏。

  68.A 考点是对动作的判断。应注意hold on后面的疑问句。

  69.C 女子的话暗示Tom不常讲有趣的故事。

  70.A 这里整个对话都在讲时间问题,关键词是traffic。



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