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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  A) He plans to sell the books to a collector.

  B) He wont sell the books until he has read them.

  C) The books probably arent worth a lot of money.

  D) The woman can borrow any of the books if she wants to.


  A) The graph belongs in the center of the page.

  B) She cant discuss the problem until later.

  C) Shes only finished half of the document.

  D) They should look for another graph immediately.


  A) The man is upset that he wasnt invited to the party.

  B) The man and the woman live in different buildings.

  C) The womans friends were louder than she expected they would be.

  D) The woman hadnt intended to serve food and beverages at the party.


  A) He doubts the woman will like the novel.

  B) He hasnt started reading the novel yet.

  C) He enjoyed reading the novel.

  D) Hell lend the woman the novel after he has read it.


  A) Mary hadnt planned to attend the seminar.

  B) Mary has been ill for several weeks.

  C) Mary forgot about the seminar.

  D) Mary wasnt able to attend the seminar.


  71.W:Wow, look at all these old books on this shelf. Theyve got to be at least one hundred years old. Ill bet they worth a lot to collectors.

  M:Well. Theyve got a lot of sentimental value for me, but thats about it.

  Q:What does the man mean?

  72.M:Could I talk to you for a minute about the discrepancy I found in this graph?

  W:Im kind of in the middle of things right now.

  Q:What does the woman mean?

  73.M:I thought you said you and your friends were just planning a small gathering. I could hear you from all the way up on the fourth floor of the building.

  W:Oh, gee, Im really sorry. I guess we did get a little carried away, didnt we?

  Q:What can be inferred from the conversation?

  74.W:I hope you like the novel I lent you. I wasnt sure whether it was the kind of book you would be interested in.

  M:You know, I had the same doubt at first. But once I started I simply couldnt put it down.

  Q:What does the man mean?

  75.W:I kept looking for Mary at the seminar but never did see her. I cant imagine she forgot about it. Shed been talking about it for weeks.

  M:Oh she didnt Its just that she caught a really bad cold a couple of days ago.

  Q:What can be inferred from the conversation?

  71.C 听力重点在but后面的内容。Thats about it:不过如此。

  72.B 考点是习语be in the middle of things:陷于事务中,暗示正忙于其它事情,因此没时间回答男子的问题。discrepancy:矛盾,不一致。

  73.C 应从选项入手,熟悉一些关键词,如party, different buildings, louder, food等。首先听到的是男子表达的从四层楼上各个方向传来的声音,而后是女子说的m really sorry.因此C是正确答案。

  74.C 这里,过去完成时had the same doubt和过去式started,以及表示时间的词at first 和once揭示了已经做过的动作。put down:放下,暗示喜欢阅读这本小说。

  75.D 男子先否定,表示Mary没有忘记seminar。而后给出理由。Its just that...:只是因为......。



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