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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  英语六级听力除去技巧部分,大多数同学的问题基本集中在三点:1. 生词多;2. 速度快;3. 音变频繁。为了提高广大考生听力能力,精选了以下听力讲义:



  A) At home.

  B) In a phone box.

  C) In her office.

  D) In a friends house.

  M: Please hold the line, Mrs. Smith. The doctor will talk to you in a minute.

  W: Im afraid I may have to hang up. I dont have any more coins and the line will be cut soon.

  Q: Where is Mrs. Smith most probably?






  telephone box

  telephone toll

  telephone booth

  telephone stand

  newsstand 报亭

  vegetable stand 菜摊

  stands 露天座位


  A) On the west side of a square.

  B) At the end of a street.

  C) To the east of the traffic light.

  D) On the east side of a square.

  M: Excuse me, but could you show me the way to the train station?

  W: Certainly. Go straight until you reach the traffic light, then turn left and you will see a square. The station is on the east side of it.

  Q: Where is the train station located?


  A) In a hospital.

  B) In a library.

  C) In a travel agency.

  D) In a restaurant.

  M: You can get a lot of practice in giving out tickets and handling hotel reservations. Later on, you can take telephone calls.

  W: Thats great! Thanks, Mr. Thomson. Ill come to work tomorrow.

  Q: Where will the woman probably be working?


  book tickets 定票

  make hotel reservation 订房


  A) Customer and salesperson.

  B) Teacher and student.

  C) Boss and secretary.

  D) Guest and waitress.

  M: Please make 20 copies of this and deliver them to the chief executive and heads of departments.

  W: Certainly, sir. They will find it on their desks tomorrow morning.

  Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  注:chief executive 行政主管

  chief executive officer CEO


  A) Whether to employ the woman.

  B) Whether to take up the new job.

  C) Whether to ask for a raise.

  D) Whether to buy a new house.

  M: You know, I m just not too sure if the new salary will be high enough or even the new position is really what I want. Besides, I like the work that I am doing now.

  W: It sounds as though youve already made up your mind about what you are going to do.

  Q: What is the man thinking about?

  注:take up 选课;接受


  A) A teacher.

  B) A psychologist.

  C) A librarian.

  D) A publisher.

  W: Im looking for a textbook for my Psychology course. Its called Introduction to Educational Psychology. Do you have it?

  M: Yes, we do. Youll find it in Section 24 on the top shelf.

  Q: Whats the mans occupation?

  注:1. textbook 教科书

  2. introduction 初级课程

  3. shelf 书架


  reference room 参考资料室

  periodicals room 期刊室

  current issue 当月期刊

  older issue 过期期刊

  back issue 过期期刊

  card catalog 索引室,卡片检索

  put on reserve 预留





  A) The woman enjoyed the movie very much.

  B) The woman saw a horror movie.

  C) The man asked the woman to be careful at night.

  D) The man went to the show with the woman.

  W: I still cant get over the show last Saturday evening. I keep having frightening dreams all night.

  M: So, next time before you walk into a theatre, make sure what you are going to see.

  Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

  注:frightening dreams 恶梦

  nightmare 恶梦



  Its a waste of time.

  Its a waste of money.

  It isnt worth the price of the admission.

  It has got an awful review.



  A) It will take about one month to repair the watch.

  B) The woman should have saved more money.

  C) It is a good idea to keep the old watch.

  D) The watch is no longer worth repairing.

  W: I cant figure out whats wrong with my watch. It was just a month ago that I had it repaired.

  M: Dont waste your time and money any more. Its a very old watch and is quite worn out.

  Q: What does the man mean?








  4、饮食方面:apple pie 一定好吃

  This picnic is as American as apple pie. 典型的美式野餐。

  apple pie virtue 美国的传统美德

  I took the last one and it was out of the world.

  Even my mothers cant match this.

  You wouldnt have to force me to take another helping.

  5、不谦虚 self-confidence


  注:1. figure out 判断出

  2. worn out 破旧;疲惫


  A) Arguing.

  B) Protesting.

  C) Complaining.

  D) Bargaining.

  M: Oh, what a morning! You know, I had so much work to do and the phone just kept ringing. Three salespecople called me this morning!

  W: I know how it is. I get a lot of calls too... even on weekends.

  Q: What are the two speakers doing?

  注:I know how it is. 表示同情。

  I know how you feel.


  A) Families with cars.

  B) Americans heavy dependence on cars.

  C) Roads and highways.

  D) Traffic problems in America.

  W: You Americans are funny! It seems as if you were married to your cars.

  M: Yeah, I guess thats true. The country is becoming one big highway. I was reading that there are about 4 million miles of roads and high ways in this country now.

  Q: What are they talking about?




  A) The apples and pears might not be so good.

  B) The apples are not as good as the pears.

  C) The apples and pears are very good.

  D) The apples and pears are as good as they look.

  W: I intend to buy some fruit for the children. These apples and pears seem to be in season. Ill get two dozen of each.

  M: I hope theyre as good as they look.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  注:1. pear 梨 pearl 珍珠

  2. be in season 新鲜


  supermarket 超市

  department store 百货公司


  A) Customer and salesman.

  B) Colleagues.

  C) Employee and boss.

  D) Classmates.

  W: Hi! Jack. I just came back yesterday. Anything new while I was away?

  M: Congratulations, Susan. Its said youll be promoted to manager and become my immedi ate boss.

  Q: What is most probably the relationship between the two speakers at the moment?

  注:1. immedi ate boss 顶头上司

  2. employee 雇员

  employer 雇主

  interviewer 面试者

  interviewee 被面试者

  payer 付款人

  payee 收款人



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