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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A) She plans to send a package to Canada.

  B) She doesnt know the postage for a package to Australia.

  C) She has relatives in Australia.

  D) Shell help the man wrap the package.


  A) The woman is worried about losing some papers.

  B) The woman wants the man to find the report.

  C) The woman saved her report until the last minute.

  D) The womans report was thrown out by the man.


  A) Ask Joan to recommend a good restaurant.

  B) Eat dinner at Joans house.

  C) Ask their friends about the restaurant.

  D) Go to the restaurant.


  A) The man must be a very slow driver.

  B) She did a lot of walking in Florida.

  C) Most people make the trip in about a week.

  D) She got to Florida long before the man did.


  A) Share the place hes renting.

  B) Avoid living near the campus.

  C) Apply for campus housing.

  D) Find an apartment soon.


  31. M:Do you have any idea what itll cost to send this little package to Australia?

  W:Youve got me! The farthest Ive ever sent a package is Canada.

  Q:What does the woman mean?

  32. M:Sorry about your report. I didnt realize it was in that stack of papers.

  W:Dont worry about it. Luckily I saved a copy on my computer.

  Q:What can be inferred from the conversation?

  33. M:Joan and her friend went to a new restaurant last night and said that it served the best food they ever had.

  W:Thats quite a recommendation. Maybe we should see for ourselves.

  Q:What will the speakers probably do?

  34. M:It took me five days to drive down to Florida.

  W:Five days? I could have walked there in less time.

  Q:What does the woman mean?

  35. M:Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.

  W:Hed better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he wont find any near the campus.

  Q:What does the woman suggest Gordon do?



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