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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A) She went to Miami.

  B) She saw Fred.

  C) She called a friend.

  D) She stayed at home.


  A) He didnt enjoy it as much as For Whom the Bell Tolls.

  B) He hadnt read it yet.

  C) He thought Hemingways writing terrible.

  D) He thought it was Hemingways best work.


  A) Shorter working hours.

  B) More days off.

  C) A better position.

  D) More money.


  A) At the airport.

  B) In a travel agency.

  C) In a hotel.

  D) In a hospital.


  A) At the supermarket.

  B) At the office.

  C) At home.

  D) At the store.


  101. M:I thought you were going to visit Fred in Miami last weekend.

  W:I intended to, but at the last minute he called and said the weekend was inconvenient for him so I stayed home.

  Q:What did the woman do last weekend?

  102. W:Ive just read Hemingways novel The Sun Also Rises, I thought it was terrific.

  M:I liked it, too, but I thought his For Whom the Bell Tolls was better.

  Q:Whats the mans opinion of The Sun Also Rises?

  103.W:I heard that your boss has a very good impression of you and hes going to give you a vacation.

  M:I think I prefer to have more working hours and a higher salary.

  Q:What does the man want?

  104. M:Ive just got off the plane. My secretary told me that he had already made a room reservation for me. Which room is mine?

  W:Im sorry. We have no record of your reservation.

  Q:Where does this conversation take place?

  105. W:Hello, Mike, this is Helen Mary. Im home now, but Im going shopping. Is there anything you want?

  M:Why not get some wine for dinner? I should get home from the office about half past seven.

  Q:Where is Mike?


  101.D 对话中转折连词but标志着新情况的出现,因此but后的部分应是听力的重点。最后用so加以总结。

  102.A 在听该组对话时,应注意转折连词but,以及比较级。terrific:好极了。

  103.D 在听该组对话时,应注意潜在的比较级prefer to have more working hours and a higher salary。

  104.C 该组对话的关键词是room reservation:预订房间。

  105.B 在听对话时应将所听到的地点在选项中标出,同时标出身处该处的人,以便针对问题得出正确的答案。



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