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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. bank 表示银行;河岸。

  2. tip 表示建议,例,some useful tips;小费、给小费,例,I tipped the man several dollars.尖、顶端,例,finger tip:指尖,常用习语:on the tip of ones tongue表示就在嘴边却一时想不起来。

  3. awful 表示丑陋的、非常差的;但是awfully表示很、非常,例,awfully nervous:相当紧张;awfully good:相当好。

  4. be worn out 表示筋疲力尽,例,I was completely worn out at the end of the day:那天要结束时,我彻底地疲惫不堪;褴褛的、破旧不堪的,例,After many years my shirt was worn out.

  5. check 表示检查、核实,check-in表示登机检查;支票;

  6. count 表示数、计算;count on表示依赖,等于rely on,例,You can count on me to deal with the emergent case.

  7. ring 表示鸣、敲响、按铃,例,ring the bell;打电话,例,Please give me a ring tonight;环状物;戒指,例,give her an engagement ring:给她订婚戒指;团伙,例,a criminal ring:犯罪团伙。

  8. drop 表示滴,例,drops of water;下降,例,a drop in the price of gold拜访,常用词组:drop in、drop in on;放弃,例,Ill have to drop the case:我不得不要放弃这件事了。

  9. film 表示电影;胶卷。

  10. kid表示孩子;开玩笑,例,Are you kidding?你不是在开玩笑吧?表示不太相信。

  11. account 表示说明;描述,如,There are different account of stories in the newspaper;帐户;如,bank account; 理由;常用习语:take into account:把考虑在内;on account of:因为;由于 by/from all accounts:不论从哪方面讲。

  :解释;说明,常用习语:account for:是的原因;bring somebody to account:责任某人解释

  12. spare 表示业余的、空闲的;备用的、多余的,如a spare tire:备用轮胎;提供给,如,Could you spare me a few minutes? I am doing a survey.;赦免、宽恕,如,God will no spare those who commit sin:天网恢恢,疏而不漏;常用习语:spare no efforts:不遗余力。

  13. figure表示身影;数字;认为;常用习语:figure out: 想出;例,figure out a way to solve the problem: 想出解决问题的办法。


  Hotel: single room / double room / reservation:预定/ front desk:前台/ a honey-moon suite:蜜月套房/ book预定

  Restaurant: menu:菜单/ order:订单/ salad / soft drink:软饮料/ dessert:饭后甜点/ ice cream/ soup / go Dutch:AA制、各付各账/ beef steak:牛排/ mutton:羊肉/ make a reservation:预定、预约

  Library: borrow/ due:到期/ over-due:逾期/ fine:罚款/ renew:续借/ catalogue/ volume/ English version:英文版本

  Post Office: mail/ parcel:包裹/ airmail/ registered letter:挂号信 / postage:邮费

  Store: discount:折扣/ bargain:讨价还价/ medium-sized:中等尺寸的、中号的/ old-fashioned/ counter:柜台/ catalog:商品目录

  Bank: open an account:开户/ deposit:存款/ signature:签名

  Hospital: flu/ fever/ cough/ pills/ tablet/ take medicine/ stomachache/ temperature/ prescribed drug:处方药/ symptom:症状/ indigestion:消化不良/ operation/ vaccine injection:疫苗注射/ immune system:免疫系统/ appointment

  School: Bachelors degree/ Masters degree/ Doctors degree/ dormitory/ semester/ term paper/ tuition fee/ registration:注册、登记/ required course:必修课/ optional course:选修课/ cafeteria /canteen:食堂/ signature/ credit/ failing grade/ quit school/ major/ minor

  Airport: flight/ take off/ land /boarding:登记/ fasten your seatbelt:系好安全带/check-in:登记前检查 / departure time:起飞时间/ airlines:航空公司

  Street: driving license:驾照/ run a red light/ speeding:超速/ fine/ lane line:分道线/ bicycle lane/ vehicle:机动车



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