15.Q: What was the purpose of the mans trip to India?
A) To investigate the causes of AIDS.
B) To raise money for AIDS patients.
C) To rally support for AIDS victims in Africa.
D) To draw attention to the spread of AIDS in Asia.
16.Q: What do we learn from this conversation about the College of William and Mary?
A) It has a very long history.
B) It is a private institution.
C) It was founded by Thomas Jefferson.
D) It stresses the comprehensive study of nature.
15.W: So, youre just back from a trip to India. What were you doing there?
M: The trip was intended to bring to the worlds attention the fact that AIDS is not just an African disease; its also endangering other countries, notably, India and Thailand.
16.M: Its quite clear from my visit this is a full-size comprehensive university. So why is it still called a college?
W: The College of William and Mary is the second oldest institution of higher learning in this country. We have nurtured great minds like Thomas Jefferson and were proud of our name.
答: 正 确答案为D。 从对话中得知,男子说去印度是为了让世界引起注意,艾滋病不只是存在于非洲,对其他国家也是威胁,并提到了印度和泰国,这两个亚洲国家,由此可以推断出正确答案为D,希望大家注意到亚洲艾滋病的蔓延。A,调查艾滋病的起因,对话中未提及,排除。B,为艾滋病患者筹款,对话中未涉及,排除。C,争取对非洲艾滋病患者的支持,对话中未提及,排除。
女:威廉与玛丽学院是这个国家所成立的第二所高等学府。我们培育像托马斯 杰斐逊那样的伟人,我们以我们的名字为荣。
答: 正确答案为A。 从对话中得知,该学院历史悠久,是这个国家第二所高等学府,前总统托马斯 杰斐逊就毕业于这所学校,因此可以推断出正确答案为A,学校历史悠久。B,这是家私人学府,对话中未涉及,排除。C,由托马斯 杰斐逊建立,与对话不符,托马斯 杰斐逊曾经是这里的学生,并不是建立者,排除。D,注重对自然的全面研究,对话中未提及,排除。
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