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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  51、suit   1、套装,衣服。   You look great in your new suit. 你穿上新衣服后看上去棒极了。   I bought a good suit in a clothing store. 我在衣服店里买了一套很好的套装。   2、一套公寓。这个意思必须根据后文来进行判断。   I bought a new suit in the central city this year. 我今年在市中心买了套公寓。   3、适合。   I hope it will suit you, sir. 我希望它能适合你,先生。   52、take   1、take a picture of 给照相   Could you take a picture of me with the lake in the background?   你能以湖为背景给我照张像吗?   2、take good care of 好好照看   The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car。   修车库的人认为我非常爱惜自己的车。   53、tend to   倾向于,趋向于。   The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day。   报纸上说人如果每天睡眠少于6个小时将感到不舒服。   54、through   本意是穿越,穿过。在以下几个搭配中分别又有了不同的含义。   1、浏览。 read through   Id better read it through again. 我最好还是再通读一次。   I didnt read straight through the way you read a novel。   我不像你读小说那样从头到尾地浏览一遍。   2、结束、完成be through   I had a hard time getting through this test. 完成测验对我来说很难。   That only leaves us 15 minutes to go through the customs and check our baggage。   我们只有15分钟的时间来接受海关检查和行李检查。   After two sleepless nights, Im finally through with it。   经过两个不眠之夜,我终于完成了。   3、接通。get sb through   Would you get me through to Dr. Lemon please? 能帮我接通Lemon医生吗?   4、睡过了。sleep through   How could you sleep through it? 你怎么能睡过头了呢?   5、播放出来。come through   The power indicator was on, and it was running, but somehow the sound didnt come through。   电源指示灯是亮的,并且正常工作,但是为什么声音就是出不来呢?

  55、turn   1、拒绝。turn down   有人会因为频繁的公务旅行而turn down一份还不错的工作。   而当因为某些事情而拒绝别人的邀请时是最难以启齿的尴尬时刻,只能以Id love to, but等来搪塞。   1、转向,转移。 turn attention to 转移注意力   56、volume   1、音量。   Would you please turn the volume of the music down? 你能把音量调低点儿吗?   2、指书的卷,册。   I cant find Volume Ten. 我找不到第10册书。   57、warm up   1、热身。正式开始进行剧烈运动前,我们都首先需要warm up。   Im just going to do a few stretches to warm up. 我去做点伸展运动,热热身。   2、暖和起来   The forecast says its going to get worse before it warms up。   天气预报说在天气暖和起来以前还会先变得更糟糕。   58、worth   1、be worth doing sth 值得做某事   Do you think its worth seeing? 你觉得那个值得一看吗?   2、be worthwhile to 值得   Its worthwhile to make the effort. 进行这样的努力是值得的。   3、well-worth the time and trouble 值得这时间与精力   I find lessons well-worth the time and trouble. 我觉得这些课程值得好好学一下。   59、与no相关的习语   no bother to me 对我而言没什么影响   nothing but 除了   believe it or not 信不信由你   do without 不用;没有也行   not at all 一点也不   60、与时间相关的习语   all night long 整晚   at the last minute 拖到最后一刻   at the latest 最迟   for the first time 第一次   have a hard time 度过困难时刻   in time 及时   latest technology 最新科技   quite a while 有一阵子   wait until the last minute 直到最后一刻



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