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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  21、drop   1、拜访。drop by   I wonder if you can drop by tomorrow evening.  我想知道你能否在明晚过来。   1、载人一程。   Im going home, but I can drop you at the supermarket. 我要回家,但我可以载你到超市。   2、忘掉,放弃。drop it   We can drop it this time. But dont do it again. 这次我们可以算了,但下次不要再犯。   I have to drop it this time. 我这次不得不放弃。   22、drunk driving   酒后驾驶。在四级听力中出现,一般都是作为traffic accident的主要原因之一。   I think its high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now。   我认为这是我们必须重视酒后驾驶的危险性的时候了。   23、expect   愿意期待,期望。   Nobody expects you to be a superstar. 没有人指望你会成为超级明星。   引申意思为等待,预期。   The lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected。   这个演讲比我预期的要难懂多了。   Mr. Smith is expecting you at 3 oclock. 史密斯先生等待着你三点钟到来。   24、extremely   使用频率非常高,不亚于very,这个东西extremely expensive。   The speech the blind girl gave this evening was extremely moving。   今晚那个盲的女孩的演讲非常感人。   25、film   1、电影。最常见用语。   2、胶卷。   ran out of film 胶卷用完;a roll of film 一卷胶卷;develop the film冲洗胶卷,说成wash就完蛋了。   3、拍摄。   film the river bank 拍摄河岸景致   26、gains and losses   得与失。   Think about the gains and losses before you make the decision。   在你做出决定之前,一定要好好想想得与失。   27、give   1、give sb a ride 请某人搭便车   Could you give me a ride to school tomorrow? 你明天能载我一程去学校吗?   2、give sb a hand 帮助某人   Can you give me a hand, Mike? 麦克,你能帮我一下吗?

  3、give sb a ring 打电话给某人   I need to give Mum a ring and tell her I will not be back for dinner。   我要给妈妈打电话告诉她不回去吃晚饭了。   28、go   1、go broke 破产;身无分文   2、go for a ride 乘车外出   My sister wanted to go for a ride around town. 我的姐姐想乘车去镇上转一转。   3、go Dutch 各付各的   4、go ahead 向前进;继续下去   Go ahead, please. 请继续向前进。   5、go on forever 永远继续下去   Mrs. Lungs briefing seems to go on forever. 郎女士的演说似乎没完没了。   6、go against 不顺心   Oh, yes, but not a thing to go against me。   哦,是啊,没有什么不顺心的事情发生在我身上。   7、go over 复习,温习   Ive have to go over my notes for tomorrows midterm。   我不得不为明天的期中考试复习笔记。   29、item   1、物品。I want to move a few heavy items into the car. 我想把一些很重要的东西搬进车里。   2、项,东西。如果填表,就必然有many items to write。   3、指代工作。   What about a cup of coffee before we move onto the next item?   在进入下一个议程前要不要来杯咖啡。   30、keep   1、keep in touch 保持联系   But well keep in touch. 但是我们会保持联系的。   Do you still keep in touch with your parents regularly after you leave them?   你离开父母以后还仍然与他们继续保持经常的联系吗?   2、keep an eye on 看守。



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