下面是英语六级听力考试不得不注意的关键词原则,供考生参考。 原则一:段首段尾句 开门见山;首段转折 原则二:总结性信息 to sum up, in brief, in particular, in short all in all, generally speaking, conclude, conclusion, in a word, so, you see in fact, we can say, ok, anyway, in the end 原则三:重复性信息 实词重复 原则四:引用处 专有名词:人名+机构+职位 原则五:设问句 一般疑问听升调;特殊疑问5W+1H 原则六:对比转折处 明显转折:although, though, even though, despite, in spite of, however, but, yet, while, whatever 隐含转折:notbut, instead, in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other hand, rather than, morethan, otherwise, unlike, not so muchas... 特殊含义词转折: unexpected, unexpectedly, surprise, surprisingly, unfortunate, unfortunately 原则七:因果关系处 明显因果:because, for, as, since, in that, be due to, given, considering, as long as, if, when, while, so, so that, therefore, thereby, as a result, consequently, accordingly, thus, hence, sothat, soas to, then 隐含因果: lead to, cause, reflect, result in, give rise to, derive from, result from, portray, present, bespeak, require, suggest, on the basis of, represent, be based on, for the reason that, rely on, spring from, make, underlying 原则八:定义处 we call it... so called... term be defined that is... 原则九:建议意见处 you should, suggest, recommend, tips, advice, had better do, how about, what about, why not, why dont you, if I were you how doessound? 原则十:强调处 especially, new theory, indeed, certainly, just remember, and again, most importantly 原则十一:举例处 for example, for instance, such as, take, takefor example 原则十二:解释处 which means, that is to say, meant that, known as, for short 原则十三:实意重读处 重读转移 原则十四:数字信息处 记录数字,听清单位,比较关系是关键
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