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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  281. evidently明显地 显然

  As we mentioned earlier, the relations between firms and their stakeholders are evidently not all of the same kind.

  282. excellent优秀的 卓越的 杰出的

  Ive read the newspaper, that the novels you are reading is excellent.

  Ive also read some negative reviews.

  283. except除了 要不是

  Its nice and quiet here, away from the d  281. evidently明显地 显然

  As we mentioned earlier, the relations between firms and their stakeholders are evidently not all of the same kind.

  282. excellent优秀的 卓越的 杰出的

  Ive read the newspaper, that the novels you are reading is excellent.

  Ive also read some negative reviews.

  283. except除了 要不是

  Its nice and quiet here, away from the dust and noise city. And our departments are new and well furnished.

  Its a good place except its a bit far away from where we work. Anyway, Ill talk with my husband tonight, and give you a call tomorrow.

  284. excess过量 过量的 额外的

  The vast majority of the individuals who want to change their body weight do it for the sake of appearance. Most want to lose excess body fat, while a smaller percentage of individuals actually want to gain weight.

  285. exchange交换 兑换 调换 交流

  Gabriella Mistral tried to break through the national barriers that hindered the exchange of ideas among the Spanish speaking people of South America.

  286. executive执行者 行政官

  For example, in the media industry, successful executives are often seen to eat fried and boiled insects from time to time while working at their desks.

  287. exercise锻炼 练习 演习 锻炼 行使

  This exercise Flood call didnt cause panic in London. Most people knew it was just warning. one lady said, its a flood warning, isnt it? the water doesnt look high to me.

  288. existence存在 生存 生活

  Americans go to the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own.

  289. exotic奇异的 外来的 异国情调的

  These safe-to-eat insects can be found and ordered on the internet, and young people are logging on to exotic websites and ordering samples of prepared insects to serve at their dinner parties.

  290. expect预料 期望 盼望

  How do you do on your on the maths exam? John.

  I barely made it, it was just a passing score but better than I had expected.ust and noise city. And our departments are new and well furnished.

  Its a good place except its a bit far away from where we work. Anyway, Ill talk with my husband tonight, and give you a call tomorrow.

  284. excess过量 过量的 额外的

  The vast majority of the individuals who want to change their body weight do it for the sake of appearance. Most want to lose excess body fat, while a smaller percentage of individuals actually want to gain weight.

  285. exchange交换 兑换 调换 交流

  Gabriella Mistral tried to break through the national barriers that hindered the exchange of ideas among the Spanish speaking people of South America.

  286. executive执行者 行政官

  For example, in the media industry, successful executives are often seen to eat fried and boiled insects from time to time while working at their desks.

  287. exercise锻炼 练习 演习 锻炼 行使

  This exercise Flood call didnt cause panic in London. Most people knew it was just warning. one lady said, its a flood warning, isnt it? the water doesnt look high to me.

  288. existence存在 生存 生活

  Americans go to the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own.

  289. exotic奇异的 外来的 异国情调的

  These safe-to-eat insects can be found and ordered on the internet, and young people are logging on to exotic websites and ordering samples of prepared insects to serve at their dinner parties.

  290. expect预料 期望 盼望

  How do you do on your on the maths exam? John.

  I barely made it, it was just a passing score but better than I had expected.



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