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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  161. demonstrate证明 显示 展示

  Drugs are approved only after tests have demonstrated that they are relatively safe when use as directed, and when their benefits outweigh their risks.

  162. dental牙齿的 牙科的

  What kind of food is most likely to cause dental decay?

  163. dentist牙科医生

  I need to find a dentist; you said you know Doctor Smith Well, do you recommend her?

  Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most is the magzines in her waiting room.

  164. depart离去 出发 背离 违反

  Ladies and gentlemen, weve commenced our descent in the Sydney Airport and we will depart the terminal building about 30 minutes from now.

  165. department部 部门 系

  The report says all the departments are making a profit except the Asian Department.

  Well, Mr.smith seems to be the wrong person to head that department, One more step wrong, and he would be removed from that office.

  166. departure离开 出发 背离 违反

  Id like to remind you when you leave Sydeny airport on the next international flight, you will berequired to pay a departure tax of 10 dollars.

  167. depend依赖 决定于

  If the earth gets hotter in new century, what will happen to animals and the plants which animals depend on for survival?

  168. deputy副职 副手

  Just the deputy governor of the prison said, we try to preserve the prisoners respect as much as possible by imaging ourselves in their prison. His words explained why this new prison is run in unique way.

  169. descend下来 下降

  So the pilot did descend to the wrong altitude then, because they were following the air controllers instructions.

  170. description描写 形容 种类 性质

  Your description is to be no more than 1 A4 page in length.



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