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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  11. constitutional宪法的 宪法规定的

  As ambassador to France, Benjamin Franklin encouraged the french to help Georgy Washingdon. After the war, he attended the American Constitutional Congress.

  12. consultant顾问 专科医生

  By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant about our new health program?

  I contacted his office, but his secrectary said he would be out for lunch until 2.

  13. consume消耗 喝光

  The human body is a remarkable food processer. as a adult, you can consume over a ton of food per year, and still not gain or lose a pound of body weight.

  14. contact接触 联系 与取得联系

  The virus can be highly infectious. If you come in contact with a victims blood or other body fluids, you can get sick, too.

  Mary, could you please tell thomas to contact to me, I was hoping him would be able to help me out with the freshmen orientation program next week.

  I would certainly tell him If I saw him, but I havent see him around for quite a few days.

  15. continue继续 延续

  Until marriage again become a serious important part of peoples lives, well probably continue to see a high rate of divorce.

  16. contract合同 契约

  You have the right to cancel the contract at anytime up to 7 working days after the date you send your acceptance form to us.

  17. contribute作出贡献 有助于

  When her youngest child reach the school age, jane decided to go back to work, she felt she should contribute to the household finances.

  18. contribution共线 促成作用

  As ambassador to France, Benjamin Franklin encouraged the French to help Georgy washington. After the war, he attended the American Constitutional Congress. This was his last contribution for he died later that year.

  19. conrol控制

  International rescue works brought equipment to Zaire soon after the outbreak occurred, now the disease appears to be under control.

  20. convention习俗 公约 大会 定期大会

  Many Europeans states supported Dunant and on 22th August 1864 the first Geneva convention was signed.



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