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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

 Passage 2

  In Britain the biggest number of working foreigners comes from the odd system know as au pair. Every week hundreds of girls arrive from strange capitals to live with English families. They are called au pairs. An au pair girl stays with the family and has free food and lodging. In return she does light work in the house. This system began as a genuine exchange, but now has become a commercial bargain between families who need help and girls who need to learn English. As learning languages has become more important, so the numbers involved have gone up.

  The system succeeds fairly well so far as teaching the girls English is concerned. But it is debatable how far it increases international friendship. There is a basic conflict of objectives-the hosts want cheap labor, the girls want leisure and language. The girls often find it hard to meet English people of their own school ages, for the language schools and clubs are made up of other foreigners.

  In spite of its shortcomings, the au pair system has probably played some role in breaking down frontiers. The British Vigilance Society estimates that 15 percent of the girls are very happy, 15 percent very happy, and 70 percent more or less content; but only a small minority keep in touch after they go back home.

  Questions 5 to 7 are based on the passage youve just heard.

  5. What does the au pair system mean now?

  6. What is NOT mentioned as an advantage of the au pair system for the girls?

  7. How do the girls feel about the system?


  Passage 1


  1.C 该题是主旨题。从文章第一句可知。

  2.C 该题是细节题。从... communities have tried to protect their building and roads and to build seawalls.可知。

  3.B 该题是细节题。从If the flow of the beaches is gentle, the water energy is lessened as it washes up along the shore. It is reduced even more that returns to the sea so it doesnt carry back much sand.

  4.D 该题是细节题。由最后一句可知。

  Passage 2

  本文谈到了英国的au pair system,即互裨或平等互惠制度。每星期,数以百计的女孩从世界各地来到英国,和英国家庭生活在一起,通过帮助做较轻的家务来换取免费食宿。此制度已成为需要协助家务的家庭和需要学习英语的女孩们间的一种商业交易。由于学英语变得日益重要,互裨女孩的数量不断增多。



  5.C 本题测试捕捉特定信息的能力。文中提到这个制度began as a genuine exchange, but now has become a commercial bargain。所以最佳选项为C。突出其发展了的商业化的特点。


  7.A 本题对细节考查,对数字的敏感性。文中说70 percent more or less content。




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