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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  15. A) He needs help to retrieve his files.

  B) He has to type his paper once more.

  C) He needs some time to polish his paper.

  D) He will be away for a two-week conference.

  答案  15. A) He needs help to retrieve his files.

  B) He has to type his paper once more.

  C) He needs some time to polish his paper.

  D) He will be away for a two-week conference.


  C) He needs some time to polish his paper.


  15. M: Professor Johnson, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper, a computer failure completely wiped out my files, do you think I can have another day to retype it?

  W: Im sorry, Rod. Im leaving for a conference tomorrow and Ill be away two weeks. I suppose you could send me an E-copy.

  Q: Why does the man say he cant submit his assignment on time?

  C) He needs some time to polish his paper.


  15. M: Professor Johnson, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper, a computer failure completely wiped out my files, do you think I can have another day to retype it?

  W: Im sorry, Rod. Im leaving for a conference tomorrow and Ill be away two weeks. I suppose you could send me an E-copy.

  Q: Why does the man say he cant submit his assignment on time?



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