2014年12月大学英语六级听力真题 第2套(MP3+试题+答案+原文+解析)-查字典英语网
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2014年12月大学英语六级听力真题 第2套(MP3+试题+答案+原文+解析)

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 shortconversations and 2 long conversations.At the endof each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be apause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decidewhich is the best answer,Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a singleline through the centre.


  1. A) In a parking lot.

  B) At a grocery.

  C) At a fast food restaurant.

  D) In a car showroom.

  2. A) Change her position now and then.

  B) Stretch her legs before standing up.

  C) Have a little nap after lunch.

  D) Get up and take a short walk.

  3. A) The students should practice long-distance running.

  B) The students physical condition is not desirable.

  C) He doesnt quite believe what the woman says.

  D) He thinks the race is too hard for the students.

  4. A) They will get their degrees in two years.

  B) They are both pursuing graduate studies.

  C) They cannot afford to get married right now.

  D) They do not want to have a baby at present.

  5. A) He must have been mistaken for Jack.

  B) Twins usually have a lot in common.

  C) Jack is certainly not as healthy as he is.

  D) He has not seen Jack for quite a few days.

  6. A) The woman will attend the opening of the museum.

  B) The woman is asking the way at the crossroads.

  C) The man knows where the museum is located.

  D) The man will take the woman to the museum.

  7. A) They cannot ask the guy to leave.

  B) The guy has been coming in for years.

  C) The guy must be feeling extremely lonely.

  D) They should not look down upon the guy.

  8. A) Collect timepieces.

  B) Become time-conscious.

  C) Learn to mend clocks.

  D) Keep track of his daily activities.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  9. A) It is eating into its banks.

  B) It winds its way to the sea.

  C) It is wide and deep.

  D) It is quickly rising.

  10. A) Try to speed up the operation by any means.

  B) Take the equipment apart before being ferried.

  C) Reduce the transport cost as much as possible.

  D) Get the trucks over to the other side of the river.

  11. A) Find as many boats as possible.

  B) Cut trees and build rowing boats.

  C) Halt the operation until further orders.

  D) Ask the commander to send a helicopter.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  12. A) Talk about his climbing experiences.

  B) Help him join an Indian expedition.

  C) Give up mountain climbing altogether.

  D) Save money to buy climbing equipment.

  13. A) He was the first to conquer Mt. Qomolangma.

  B) He had an unusual religious background.

  C) He climbed mountains to earn a living.

  D) He was very strict with his children.

  14. A) They are to be conquered.

  B) They are to be protected.

  C) They are sacred places.

  D) They are like humans.

  15. A) It was his fathers training that pulled him through.

  B) It was a milestone in his mountain climbing career.

  C) It helped him understand the Sherpa view of mountains.

  D) It was his father who gave him the strength to succeed.

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 shortpassages. At the end of each passage, you will hearsome questions. Both the passage and thequestions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the bestanswer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


  Passage One

  Questions 16 to 19 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  16. A) By showing a memorandums structure.

  B) By analyzing the organization of a letter.

  C) By comparing memorandums with letters.

  D) By reviewing what he has said previously.

  17. A) They ignored many of the memorandums they received.

  B) They placed emphasis on the format of memorandums.

  C) They seldom read a memorandum through to the end.

  D) They spent a lot of time writing memorandums.

  18. A) Style and wording.

  B) Directness and clarity.

  C) Structure and length.

  D) Simplicity and accuracy.

  19. A) Inclusion of appropriate humor.

  B) Professional look.

  C) Direct statement of purpose.

  D) Accurate dating.

  Passage Two

  Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  20. A) They give top priority to their work efficiency.

  B) They make an effort to lighten their workload.

  C) They try hard to make the best use of their time.

  D) They never change work habits unless forced to.

  21. A) Sense of duty.

  B) Work efficiency.

  C) Self-confidence.

  D) Passion for work.

  22. A) They find no pleasure in the work they do.

  B) They try to avoid work whenever possible.

  C) They are addicted to playing online games.

  D) They simply have no sense of responsibility.

  Passage Three

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  23. A) He lost all his property.

  B) He was sold to a circus.

  C) He ran away from his family.

  D) He was forced into slavery.

  24. A) A carpenter.

  B) A master of his.

  C) A businessman.

  D) A black drummer.

  25. A) It named its town hall after Solomon Northup.

  B) It freed all blacks in the town from slavery.

  C) It declared July 24 Solomon Northup Day.

  D) It hosted a reunion for the Northup family.

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear apassage three times. When the passage is read forthe first time,you should listen carefully for itsgeneral idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blankswith the exact words you have just heard. Finally,when the passage is read for the thirdtime,you should check what you have written.


  Intolerance is the art of ignoring any views that differ from your own. It __26__ itself in hatred,stereotypes, prejudice, and __27__. Once it intensifies people, intolerance is nearlyimpossible to overcome. But why would anyone want to be labeled as intolerance? Whywould people want to be __28__ about the world around them? Why would one want to bepart of the problem in America, instead of the solution?

  There are many of the explanations for intolerant attitude, some __29__. childhood. It is likelythat intolerant forks grew up __30__ intolerant parents and the cycle of prejudice hassimply continued for __31__. Perhaps intolerant people are so set in their ways that they findit easier to ignore anything that might not __32__ to their limited view of life. Or maybeintolerant students have simply never been __33__ to anyone different from themselves. Butnone of these reasons is an excuse for allowing the intolerance to continue.

  Intolerance should not be confused with disagreement. It is, of course, possible to disagreewith an opinion without being intolerant of it. If you understand a belief but still dont believein that specific belief, thats fine. You are __34__ your opinion. As a matter of fact, __35__dissenters (持异议者) are important for any belief. If we all believed the same things, we wouldnever grow, and we would never learn about the world around us. Intolerance does not stemfrom disagreement. It stems from fear. And fear stems from ignorance. 









  26. manifests

  27. discrimination

  28. uninformed

  29. dating

  30. imitating

  31. generations

  32. conform

  33. exposed

  34. entitled to

  35. knowledgeable


原文: 短对话


  W:Tom, heres a piece of cake

  M: in town.

  Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place?


  W:Oh, I must be seated in the position too long.

  M: before you

  Q:what does the man suggest the woman do?


  W:Its hard to believe that having the class complete need thousandof waits isnt it?

  M: Im afraid that says something about the students physicalfitness.

  Q: what does the man mean?


  W:Have Lisa and Erik started phone reacted? Theyve been marriedfor two years now.

  M: Mary told me that she postponed having children until he has hisdoctorial degree.

  Q: What do we know about Lisa and Erik?


  W:Hi, John. Havent seen you for quite a few days.I heard from guysfrom the team youvebeen sick. How are you feeling now?

  M: They must have confused me with my brother Jack. Anyway, hesreally feeling betternow.

  Q:What does the man mean?


  W:Excuse me, will you take me along to museum that opens to thepublic recently

  M: No, its no distance at all. In tract, Im going in the samedirection. Come, and Ill showthe way when we get to thecrossroads.

  Q:what do we learn from the conversation?


  M:See guy over there in the corner. He comes in every Friday nightaround six and just sitsthere in an hour.

  W: Its odd. But there is not much we can do as long as he orderedsomething to drink.

  Q:What does the woman mean?


  W:You seem to run a ?

  M: My family takes care of me because I have trouble keeping trackof turn.

  Q:what does the mans family want him to do?

  长对话 Conversation 1


  The United States is a nation of immigrants. Of the 280 million people inhabiting our 50states, all but Native Americans claim ancestry from some other part of the world. In manycommunitieslarge and smalldozens of cultures are represented. This means that whereveryou attend a university or college, you can enjoy a new culture and have the opportunity toshare yours with your new friends.


  Yet, you may have heard some interestingand possibly disconcertingcomments aboutAmerican life and culture. Lets set the record straight. Heres the truth behind some of themost common myths.


  Myth #1: Students of non-Western religious faiths or from racial minority backgrounds arenot welcome in America.


  Myth #2: Americans are secular and hold no serious religious convictions.


  Myth #3: Most Americans (and students) live in large cities that are crime-ridden andunsafe.


  Myth #4: Courses of study at universities and colleges in America are weak, and studentsparty rather than study.


  Myth #5: Outside of class, there is not much for international students to do, and theybecome bored.


  Myth #6: American students are rich and can easily afford a university education.


  Myth #7: American university/college residence halls are undesirable places to live,providing little privacy or security.


  Myth #8: Everyone owns cars in the United States, so I could live in Boston and commutedaily to New York for my university studies.


  Myth #9: Americans are so impersonalthere will not be anyone on campus to helpinternational students in times of crisis.


  Myth #10: Campus lifeand especially on-campus housinghas too many rules.



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