2014年6月大学英语六级听力真题 第2套(MP3+试题+答案+原文)-查字典英语网
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2014年6月大学英语六级听力真题 第2套(MP3+试题+答案+原文)

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

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Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.Atthe end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Boththe conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be apause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decidewhich is the best answer,Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a singleline through the centre.


  1. A) They might be stolen goods.

  B) They might be fake products.

  C) They might be faulty products.

  D) They might be smuggled goods.

  2. A) They are civil servants.

  B) They are job applicants.

  C) They are news reporters.

  D) They are public speakers.

  3. A) The man has decided to quit his computer class.

  B) The woman wants to get a degree in administration.

  C) A computer degree is a must for administrative work.

  D) The man went to change the time of his computer class.

  4. A) A lot of contestants participated in the show.

  B) The fifth contestant won the biggest prize.

  C) It was not as exciting as he had expected.

  D) It was sponsored by a car manufacturer.

  5. A) Reading a newspaper column.

  B) Looking at a railway timetable.

  C) Driving from New York to Boston.

  D) Waiting for someone at the airport.

  6. A) He wears a coat bought in the mall.

  B) He got a new job at the barbershop.

  C) He had a finger hurt last night.

  D) He had his hair cut yesterday.

  7. A) He cannot appreciate the Picasso exhibition.

  B) Even his nephew can draw as well as Picasso.

  C) He is not quite impressed with modem paintings.

  D) Some drawings by kindergarten kids are excellent.

  8. A) He should not put the cart before the horse.

  B) His conduct does not square with his words.

  C) His attitude to student government has changed.

  D) He has long been involved in student government.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  9. A) She left her own car in Manchester.

  B) Something went wrong with her car.

  C) She wants to go traveling on the weekend.

  D) Her car wont be back in a weeks time.

  10. A) Safety. B) Comfort. C) Size. D) Cost.

  11. A) Third-party insurance.

  B) Value-added tax.

  C) Petrol.

  D) CDW.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  12. A) How to update the basic facilities.

  B) What to do to enhance their position.

  C) Where to locate their plant.

  D) How to attract investments.

  13. A) Their road link to other European countries is fast.

  B) They are all located in the south of France.

  C) They are very close to each other.

  D) Their basic facilities are good.

  14. A) Try to avoid making a hasty decision.

  B ) Take advantage of the train links.

  C) Talk with the local authorities.

  D) Conduct field surveys first.

  15. A) Future product distribution.

  B) Local employment policies.

  C) Road and rail links for small towns.

  D) Skilled workforce in the hilly region.

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, youwill hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. Afteryou hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through thecentre.


  Passage one

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  16. A) One fifth of them were on bad terms with their sisters and brothers.

  B) About one eighth of them admitted to lingering bitter feelings.

  C) More than half of them were involved in inheritance disputes.

  D) Most of them had broken with their sisters and brothers.

  17. A) Less concern with money matters.

  B) More experience in worldly affairs.

  C) Advance in age.

  D) Freedom from work.

  18. A) They have little time left to renew contact with their brothers and sisters.

  B) They tend to forget past unhappy memories and focus on their present needs.

  C) They are more tolerant of one another.

  D) They find close relatives more reliable.

  Passage Two

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  19. A) They have bright colors and intricate patterns.

  B) They can only survive in parts of the Americas.

  C) They are the only insect that migrates along fixed routes.

  D) They have strong wings capable of flying long distances.

  20. A) In a Michigan mountain forest.

  B) In a Louisiana mountain forest.

  C) In a Kentucky mountain forest.

  D) In a Mexican mountain forest.

  21. A) Each flock of butterflies lays eggs in the same states.

  B) They start to lay eggs when they are nine months old.

  C) Each generation in a cycle lays eggs at a different place.

  D) Only the strongest can reach their destination to lay eggs.

  22. A) Evolution of monarch butterflies.

  B) Living habits of monarch butterflies.

  C) Migration patterns of monarch butterflies.

  D) Environmental impacts on monarch butterfly life.

  Passage Three

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  23. A) Time has become more limited.

  B) Time has become more precious.

  C) Time is money.

  D) Time is relative.

  24. A) Americans now attach more importance to the effective use of time.

  B) Americans today have more free time than earlier generations.

  C) The number of hours Americans work has increased steadily.

  D) More and more Americans feel pressed for time nowadays.

  25. A) Our interpersonal relationships improve.

  B) Our work efficiency increases greatly.

  C) Our living habits are altered.

  D) Our behavior is changed.

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is readfor the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read forthe second time,you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have justheard. Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you havewritten.


  The first copyright law in the United States was passed by Congress in 1790. In 1976Congress enacted the latest copyright law, __26__ the technological developments that hadoccurred since the passage of the Copyright Act of 1909. For example, in 1909, anyone whowanted to make a single copy of a __27__ work for personal use had to do so by hand. Thevery process __28__ a limitation on the quantity of materials copied. Today, a photocopiercan do the work in seconds; the limitation has disappeared. The 1909 law did not provide fullprotection for films and sound recordings, nor did it __29__ the need to protect radio andtelevision. As a result, __30__ of the law and abuses of the intent of the law have lessened the__31__ rewards of authors, artists, and producers. The 1976 Copyright Act has not preventedthese abuses fully, but it has clarified the legal rights of the injured parties and given them an__32__ for remedy.

  Since 1976 the Act has been __33__ to include computer software, and guidelines have beenadopted for fair use of television broadcasts. These changes have cleared up much of theconfusion and conflict that followed __34__ the 1976 legislation.

  The fine points of the law are decided by the courts and by acceptable common practice overtime. As these decisions and agreements are made, we modify our behavior accordingly. Fornow, we need to __35__ the law and its guidelines as accurately as we can and to act in a fairmanner.





  26. taking into consideration

  27. literary

  28. imposed

  29. anticipate

  30. violations

  31. financial

  32. avenue

  33. amended

  34. in the wake of

  35. interpret




  M: Look atthese low prices at these fashionable TV sets. Something is fishy, dontyouthink so?

  W: Well,there have been a lot of robberies recently. Some of the stolen goods mayhavelanded here.

  Q: Whatdoes the woman imply about the low price television sets?


  M: Ive been assigned to cover the governessspeech today. What about you?

  W: Nothingis grand as yours. I have to do an interview for the evening news about amanwith dozens of cats.

  Q: What dowe learn about the speakers?


  W: DidntI see you going into the administration building this afternoon?

  M: Ineeded to switch my computer class to the 950 section.

  Q: What dowe learn from the conversation?


  W: I guessyou watch the quiz show on television last night. What did you think about it?

  M: Well,its great. The first four contestants won only small prizes, but the fifthleft with anew luxury car.

  Q: Whatdoes the man say about the quiz show?


  W: I cantfind the arrival time of the New York to Boston Express on this schedule.

  M: Lookfor New York in the left-hand column and follow it across until you find thehourlisted in the Boston column.

  Q: Whatare the speakers most probably doing?


  W: Youlook different today, but I cant quite put my finger on what it is.

  M: Oh,yesterday I finally got around to that new barbershop in the mall and enjoyedtheirservices.

  Q: Whatcan be inferred about the man?


  W: What doyou think Picassos painting exhibited in the city museum?

  M:Personally I cant quite see the meaning in his modern works. Most of themremind me ofthe stuff my nephew brings home from the kindergarten.

  Q: Whatdoes the man mean?


  W: Rodsaid he wanted to get involved in student government this year.

  M: But hehasnt gone through a single meeting, has he?

  Q: What does the man imply about Rod?


  Conversation One

  M:Good morning! Madam. Can Ihelp you?

  W: Oh, Ido hope so. I have to get to Manchester today and my own car has brokendown.Doyou by any chance have a car available?

  M:For how many days?Madam.

  W:Three,justuntil the weekend.

  M:And whatsort of car did you have in mind?

  W:Well.Thatdepends a little bit on the price.But I normally drive a Chevrolet.Do youhaveanything like that?

  M:Yes,Certainly.Thatsgroup C which includes Chevrolet and sea-arrows. W:How much arethey?

  M:Well,forthree days, you would have to have it under the unlimited mileageconditions.Which will work out cheaper for Manchester anyway.

  Lets see,Group C, three to five days hire with unlimited mileage is 53 pounds per day.

  W:I see.Does that include everything?

  M:ItIncludes third party insurance, but its not include value-added tax,patrol orCDW.


  M:CDW? Oh,thats the cover you in case you damage the hire car. Third partyinsuranceonly covers you for damage two another vehicle.For Group C cars is 6 poundsperday.

  W:OK. Ithink Ill have the Chevrolet.

  M:Allright. Could I have your driving license please?

  W:Certainly.Here we are.

  M:So, itsMs.JB.couty.


  M:And thenumber is 509024bc9cs, expiring the 1st,July,2015.And you want to takeitimmediately?

  W:Yes, Ido ,please.

  M:Lovely.Well you could just initial that box there for the CDW.And that boxthere toconfirm you have known driving convictions,thank you,And then signthere.Great!Thats it!

  Q9-11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  Q9:Why does the woman want to hire a car?

  Q10:What is the womans main consideration in hiring a car?

  Q11:What does the daily charge included?

  Conversation Two



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