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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  【例1】 2000.6

  M: Would you like a copy of Professor Smiths article?

  W: Thanks, If its not too much trouble.

  Q: What does the woman imply?

  A) She is not interested in the article.

  B) She has given the man much trouble.

  C) She would like to have a copy of the article.

  D) She doesnt want to take the trouble to read the article.

  【解析】 女士在回答是否需要帮助时用到if its not too much trouble(如果不会带来太多麻烦的话),暗示礼貌地接受,也是西方礼仪文化的一部分,所以选择C。

  【例2】 2004.1

  M: Im exhausted; I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm maths exam.

  W: But why do you always wait until the last minute?

  Q: What does the woman imply?

  A) The man is usually the last to hand in his test paper.

  B) The man has made a mess of his midterm exam.

  C) The man has bad study habits.

  D) The man is a diligent student.

  【解析】 原文中的Why do you always wait until the last minute(临时抱佛脚),暗示男士总是临近考试才学习,因此选项C他学习习惯不好为正确答案,其他选项都不符。

  1. A) He doesnt enjoy business trips as much as he used to.

  B) He doesnt think he is capable of doing the job.

  C) He thinks the pay is too low to support his family.

  D) He wants to spend more time with his family.

  2. A) Its awfully dull. B) Its really exciting.

  C) Its very exhausting. D) Its quite challenging.

  3. A) He is going to give a talk on fishing.

  B) He thinks fishing is a good way to kill time.

  C) He has the same hobby as Susans father.

  D) He is eager to meet Susans parents.

  4. A) She has to post a letter instead.

  B) She has turned down the mans request.

  C) Shes not sure if the computer is fixed.

  D) She cant send the message right now.

  5. A) He didnt get the book he needed.

  B) He had no idea where the book was.

  C) The library is closed on weekends.

  D) He was not allowed to check out the book.

  6. A) She thought there were no tickets left for the show.

  B) She thought the seats on the left side were fully occupied.

  C) The show was planned a long time ago.

  D) The audience were deeply impressed by the show.

  7. A) Mr. Longs briefing was unnecessarily long.

  B) The woman should have been more attentive.

  C) Mr. Longs briefing was not relevant to the mission.

  D) The woman neednt have attended the briefing.

  8. A) Go on with the game. B) Draw pictures on the computer.

  C) Review his lessons. D) Have a good rest.

  9. A) John will be late. B) John wont come.

  C) John will be on time. D) Nobody except John will come.

  10.A) The exam was easier than the previous one.

  B) Joe is sure that he will do better in the next exam.

  C) Joe probably failed in the exam.

  D) The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.

  1. 【选D】原文重现 2000.6

  W: If I were you, I would have accepted the job.

  M: I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family.

  Q: Why didnt the man accept the job?


  turn down (收音机等)关小;拒绝

  turn up (收音机等)调大;出现;找到

  turn over (机器等)运转;翻过来

  turn away 走开;把脸转过去

  2. 【选A】原文重现 2000.6

  M: Wouldnt you get bored with the same routine year after year teaching the same things to children?

  W: I dont think it would be as boring as working in an office. Teaching is most stimulating.

  Q: What does the woman imply about office work?

  3. 【选C】原文重现

  W: Hey, Dan, I hear youre meeting Susans parents for the first time.

  M: Yeah, next weekend. Fortunately, her father loves to fish, so well have something to talk about.

  Q: What can be inferred about Dan?


  talk about 谈到;谈论 talk into 说服;劝说某人做某事

  talk over 商谈,商量 talk with 与交谈,试图说服

  4. 【选D】原文重现 2002.1

  M: Jessica, could you forward this email to all the club members?

  W: Sorry, the computer broke down this morning , I will do it for you as soon as I have it fixed.

  Q: What does the woman imply?


  break down 打破;发生故障;中止

  break away 突然离开;逃跑,脱身

  break off (使)折断;中断;断绝

  break up 打碎;(关系)破裂

  5. 【选A】原文重现 2002.1

  W: Did you find the book for your reading assignment in the library?

  M: It closed before I got there. I had no idea it closed so early on weekend.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  6. 【选A】原文重现 2002.1

  M: I heard there are a few seats left for the show tonight.

  W: Really? I was under the impression that the tickets were sold out a long time ago.

  Q: What do we know from the womans reply?


  sell out 售完 sell off 廉价出清(存货) sell up 卖光

  7. 【选B】原文重现

  W: Mrs. Longs briefing seemed to go on forever. I was barely able to stay awake.

  M: How could you sleep through that? It was very important to the mission we are going to carry out.

  Q: What does the man imply?


  carry out 进行,开展;执行 carry off 拿走,夺去的生命

  carry back 运回;使回想起 carry away 运走,使失去自制力

  8. 【选C】原文重现 2002.6

  W: Mark is playing computer games.

  M: Should he do that when the final exam is drawing near?

  Q: What does the man think Mark should do?


  draw near 接近,临近 draw up 起草,制订

  draw into 使卷入 draw out 拉长;掏出(手帕等)

  9. 【选C】原文重现

  M: Do you think John will come to our party on time tonight?

  W: If John doesnt, then nobody will.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  10. 【选C】原文重现 2003.1

  W: Listen to me, Joe. The exam is already a thing of the past. Just forget about it.

  M: That is easier said than done.

  Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


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