A) Ask Susan to help her.
B) Type the data quickly.
C) Hand in the data.
D) Extend the due date.
A) In a garden.
B) In the woods.
C) At a post office.
D) At a flower shop.
A) Newly-launched products.
B) Drug users.
C) Survey results.
D) Public figures.
A) He should understand the general ideafirst.
B) He should slow down reading.
C) He should not try to read tooslowly.
D) He should mark time carefully.
A) The woman was blamed for beingcareless.
B) The man thought it could be avoided byanyone.
C) The man thought the woman did it onpurpose.
D) The woman stamped on the mans toes bychance.
A) Extremely good.
B) Not so much fun.
C) Very foolish.
D) Quite tedious.
A) He prefers the football stadium.
B) He agrees with the woman.
C) The dining hall isnt large enough.
D) The light isnt bright enough.
A) She doesnt like Jason.
B) She would prefer not to go.
C) Jason is always a nice man.
D) She would like to go.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on theconversation you have just heard.
A) She likes to do some extremesports.
B) She get much pleasure from skiing.
C) She was influenced by her parents.
D) She can show off her skiing skills. 20.A) Spend the whole vacation with her.
B) Head back home for Christmas.
C) Stay in California and learn toski.
D) Try to become a professional skier.
A) Ski in California.
B) Teach the man to ski.
C) Visit her friends in Europe.
D) Stay with the mans family.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on theconversation you have just heard.
A) She is too busy to spare time.
B) She has lost her voice.
C) She doesnt have the mans number.
D) She doesnt want to talk to the man.
A) Cancel the class.
B) Teach the class.
C) Hand out exam papers.
D) Collect students homework.
A) He will use a master key to open thedoor.
B) He will get Ashleys key from the woman.
C) He will ask the departments secretaryfor help.
D) He will force the lock with a hammer.
A) She teaches in math department.
B) She will not recover until Friday.
C) She often misses classes for beingsick.
D) She has a class to teach on Friday.
Passage One
26. A) It started out as a soft drink.
B) It was first a cure for headaches.
C) It tasted bitter and no one likedit.
D) It was sold to patients only. 27. A)Heat it.
B) Add oil to it.
C) Shake it gently.
D) Mix it with water.
A) It tasted bitter.
B) It tasted good.
C) It was strange.
D) It was sweet.
A) It tastes the same as the past.
B) It is not refreshing now.
C) It cant cure headaches.
D) It is much cheaper than before.
Passage Two
A) Convenient.
B) Clean.
C) Crowded.
D) Lovely.
A) There are too many people.
B) People are impolite.
C) The streets are not wide enough.
D) Every one is in a rush.
A) People tend to be asleep on thetrains.
B) People usually read newspapers there.
C) They always leave and arrive ontime.
D) There are always not enough trains.Passage Three
A) Enjoyed the wine and deliciousfoods.
B) Listened to the stories of friends.
C) Sat alone and waited someone to comeup.
D) Talked to the interesting lookingpeople.
A) Its a good way to know each other.
B) People care nobody except themselves.
C) People are not interested in publicaffairs.
D) People care more about themselves.
A)We need to learn the skills of talking.
B) Listening is easier than talking.
C) Being a listener is more important thana talker.
D) We need interesting topics in a party.