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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  M:How come you have finished the book assigned by Prof. Smith?

  W: You can not read it line by line; I skipped some chapters that

  are not so relevant with our courses.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  A. Only half of the book is useful.

  B. The book is not worth reading at all.

  C. Not all chapters require intensive reading.

  D. Only a few lines can cover the main idea of each chapter.


  【试题分析】 男士很疑惑女士竟然已经完成了教授指定的阅读任务,女士回答说她没有逐行去阅读全书,她甚至跳过了一些关系不大的章节,所以女士的意思是并非所有章节都要仔细阅读,其他选项和原文的关联分别在于A选项的half,D选项的lines和chapter,但都和原文意义有出入,需要考生做完后体会一下。

  【语言知识】how come 怎么,如何;assigned by由某人布置的任务;line by line逐行阅读;skip跳读,略过;relevant相关的,有关联的。


  W: Have you seen the news about the armed terrorists on the plane? I just dare not take planes after watching that.

  M: Its not likely for us to encounter something like that. The real threat actually comes from someone using laptop computers or mobile phone on the plane.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  A. Not all terrorists are armed.

  B. Using computers or mobile phones aboard may cause problem for the plane.

  C. He is not likely to take a plane anyway.

  D. Plane safety is not something that he cares.


  【试题分析】 女士看到电视上关于武装恐怖主义的资讯,感到很害怕,说自己都不敢再坐飞机了,男士说其实遇到类似事情的可能性是很小的,但如果有人在飞机飞行的过程中使用笔记本电脑或者手机,则会造成真正的威胁,所以B选项是正确答案。A选项和D选项都在利用男士话语里有转折信息这一点进行曲解,C选项的is not likely to这个表达直接来自原文,提醒考生需要精确理解对话内容,才能有效避开干扰选项,做出正确选择。

  【语言知识】armed terrorists武装恐怖主义;be likely to有可能;encounter遇到,遭遇;laptop笔记本电脑。


  W: How do you like your current job now?

  M: If I had studied harder back in college, I would be sitting in a comfortable office right now.

  Q: What does the man imply about his present job?

  A. This job requires hard work all the time.

  B. The working environment is quite comfortable.

  C. He wants to change a job right away.

  D. He is not satisfied with his current job.


  【试题分析】 本题是一个虚拟语气的题目,女士询问男士对目前工作的感受,男士的回答是如果在学校的时候读书更用功一些,现在就该在舒适的办公室里工作了,言下之意是他对目前的工作不满。所以应该选择D选项。

  【语言知识】 虚拟语气



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