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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  32. [A] Diet.

  [B] Weight control.

  [C] Aerobic exercise.

  [D] Eating habits and exercise.

  33. [A] Nuts.

  [B] Sugar.

  [C] Vegetable oil.

  [D] Dairy products.

  34. [A] Forty or fifty minutes of exercise once a week.

  [B] Twenty or thirty minutes of exercise every day.

  [C] Fifteen or twenty minutes of exercise five days a week.

  [D] Thirty or forty minutes of exercise three or four days a week.

  35. [A] Carbohydrates.

  [B] Indirect fat.

  [C] Body fluid.

  [D] Fat.

  Section C

  Today, students who want to learn English in the US have a wide choice of courses and institutions to ______from. And, because the US is such a big country, they also have a huge ______of locations in which to study. The US has a long ______of teaching English because, ______its history, the country has welcomed ______from all over the world, most of whom have needed to learn English. Today, the USs English language teaching sector is well developed and its teachers are highly qualified and ______American universities and colleges welcome many thousands of ______students each year, who ______on degree or post graduate courses. ___________________________________________. These courses are called Intensive English Language Progmp3s and ________________________. In addition to language tuition, Intensive English Language Progmp3s give students ____________________________________________.


  Section C


  37.【解析】variety。a variety of为习惯用语,表示各种各样的, 种类繁多的。

  38.【解析】tradition。从空格前的a long和空格后的介词of可以推断此处应填一名词。空后的history对所填词起一定的提示作用。

  39.【解析】throughout。从空格后的逗号后面是一个完整的句子可以判断所填词应该是介词。空后的 its history及 the country has welcomed from all over the world, most of whom have needed to learn English中两处用的现在完成时起提示作用。



  42.【解析】overseas。所填词修饰students,因此应该为一形容词。空前的from allover the world起提示作用。


  44.【答案】Most of these institutions provide preparation courses for students who need to improve their English before they start university study

  【Main Points】Students who need to improve their English before they start university study can take preparation courses in these universities and colleges

  45.【答案】they are the most common type of courses taken by overseas students

  【Main Points】overseas students usually take these courses

  46.【答案】the chance to get to know the school where they will be studying and become more familiar with the American academic environment

  【Main Points】the chance to know their school and the American academic environment



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