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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  Section A

  1. A) All the passengers were killed.

  B) The plane crashed in the night.

  C) No more survivors have been found.

  D) Its too late to search for survivors.

  2. A) Its results were just as expected.

  B) It wasnt very well designed.

  C) It fully reflected the students ability.

  D) Its results fell short of her expectations.

  3. A) He believes dancing is enjoyable.

  B) He definitely does not like dancing.

  C) He admires those who dance.

  D) He wont dance until he has done his work.

  4. A) His computer doesnt work well.

  B) He isnt getting along with his staff.

  C) He didnt register for a proper course.

  D) He cant apply the theory to his program.

  5. A) Reading on the campus lawn.

  B) Depositing money in the bank.

  C) Applying for financial aid.

  D) Reviewing a students application.

  6. A) A new shuttle bus.

  B) A scheduled space flight.

  C) An airplane flight.

  D) The first space flight.

  7. A) The deadline is drawing near.

  B) She cant meet the deadline.

  C) She turned in the proposals today.

  D) They are two days ahead of time.

  8. A) By going on a diet.

  B) By having fewer meals.

  C) By doing physical exercise.

  D) By eating fruit and vegetables.

  9. A) He enjoyed it as a whole.

  B) He didnt think much of it.

  C) He didnt like it at all.

  D) He liked some parts of it.

  10. A) It looks quite new.

  B) It needs to be repaired.

  C) It looks old, but it runs well.

  D) Its engine needs to be painted.


  1. W: Is the rescue crew still looking for survivors of the plane crash?

  M: Yes. They have been searching the area for hours, but they havent found anybody else. Theyll keep searching until night falls.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?



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