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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  It may sound like any other celebration during the festive season. But this is one meal with a difference.

  Its a little bit messy here, but were making soya ice cream.

  The food people are eating here contains no meat or animal products. The venue is at Chinas self proclaimed first vegan restaurant and the meal is held to raise awareness of how our eating habits can negatively affect climate change.

  Li Yu is the owner of the restaurant. He says eating meat is more harmful to the environment than driving a car.

  So, thats why we say one meat-free day could really be better than giving up driving.

  The food on offer includes a wide variety of organic vegetables as well as a soya ice cream and fake turkey meat made of tofu called tofurkey.

  It certainly seemed to go down well with the guests, not all of whom were vegan.

  Christian Lillieroos is from the European Asean Social Club, which was partly responsible for organizing the event. He warns of dire consequences if we dont change our way of life.

  We need to make ourselves aware of [the fact] that if we dont do any changes to our way of living we will kill ourselves. So, last time I checked, most people are kind of interested in living. So, if you want to live more, you have to do about your future life.

  So, according to these supporters of a vegan lifestyle, it is possible to pig-out at this time of year with a free conscience, so long as you do it without the pigs.

  For CRI, Im Dominic Swire.



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