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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  【例1】A)Te go boating on the St.Lawrence River.

  B) To go sightseeing in Quebec Province.

  C)To call on a friend.in Quebec City.

  D)To attend a wedding in Montreal.

  【录音】W:Hey,Bob,guess wharf Im going to visit Quebec next summer

  M:Im invited to go to a friends wedding.But while Im there Id.also like to do some sightseeing.

  Q:Whats the womans main purpose of visiting Quebec? [2006.12/T19]

  【解析】通过选项可知,本题问的是话题女士去Quebec的目的。读题时要把握各选项间的差异:四个选项的中心词分别是go boating,go sightseeing, call on a friend和attend a wedding。带着这些内容听对话,并要特别关注对话的第一个话轮。本对话的第三句话说:我被邀请参加一个朋友的婚礼。由此可以推断出正确答案是D。

  【例2】A)Secretary of Birmingham Medical School.

  B) Head of the Overseas Students Office.

  C) Assistant Director of the Admissions Office.

  D) An employee in the city council at Birmingham.

  【录音】M: Sarah, you work in the admissions office, dont you?

  W: Yes, I, mmm, Ive been here ten years as an assistant director.

  Q: What is the womans present position? [2007.6/T23]

  【解析】名词选项题,可以判断,本题问某个人的身份。本题若听到了男士的admission 0ffice或女士话语中的assistant director,便可迅速判定答案为C。






  【例3】A) It was free of charge on weekends.

  B) It was offered to frequent guests only.

  C) It had a 15% discount on weekdays,

  D) It was 10% cheaper than in other hotels.

  【录音】M: Hey, isnt the breakfast free anyway?

  W: Well, only on weekends.

  Q: What did the clerk say about breakfast in the hotel?



  【例4】A) She doesnt really know where they originated.

  B) She mainly drew on stories of ancient saints.

  C) They popped out of her childhood dreams.

  D) They grew out of her long hours of thinking.

  【录音】M: Where did the ideas for the Harry Potter books come from?

  W: Ive no idea where the ideas came from. And

  Q: According to Miss Rowling, where did she get the ideas for the

  Harry Potter books? [2006.12/T25]





  【例5】A) Changing her major.

  B) Spending less of her parents money.

  C) Getting transferred to the English Department.

  D) Leaving the university.

  【录音】W: but I am beginning to feel that Im wasting my time and their money. They would be so disappointed, though, if I told them I was quitting.

  Q: What is Karen thinking of doing? [2006.6/T25]


  【例6】A) She will have more contact with students.

  B) She will be more involved in policy-making.

  C) It will be less demanding than her present job.

  D) It will bring her capability into fuller play.

  【录音】W: Oh, yeah, from October 1, Ill be doing an entirely different job. Theres going to be more committee work. I mean, more policy work, and less dealing with students, unfortunately-Ill miss my contact with students.

  Q: What will the womans new job be like? [2007.6/T25]

  【解析】A、B选项以she开头,说她将要更多地做什么工作;C、D以it开头,说它将更容易做,或将更充分发挥她的才能。由C的比较句来看,it应该也是指job,甚至是future job。可见,本题问女士将要从事的工作的内容、情况。对话结尾处女士说.10月1日开始她就要做完全不同的工作,会有更多政策性工作,而学生工作会减少。B与此相符,为正确答案。



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