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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编






  【例1】A)The mall placed the reading list on a desk.

  B)The man regrets being absent-minded.

  C)The woman.saved the man 80me trouble.

  D)The woman emptied the waste paper basket.

  【录音】M:1 wish I hadnt thrown away that reading list

  W:I thought you might regret it.Thats why I picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it On the desk.

  Q:What do we learn from the conversation? [2007.6/T13]

  【解析】答案为C。从解题的正路来分析。男士说:我真希望没有扔掉那张阅读书单。女士回答说:我估计你会后悔的,所以就把它从废纸篓里捡了出来.放在书桌上了。因此C女士给男士省去了一些麻烦正确。但没听懂的考生怎么办?就只能使出绝技听到什么就不选什么了。选项A、B、D中分别出现了对话中的reading list,regrets,waste paper basket,因此选C。



  【例2】A)She read only part of the book.

  B)She is interested in reading novels.

  C)She seldom reads books from cover to cover.

  D)She was eager to know what the book was about.

  【录音】M:Hi,Susan! Have you finished reading the book Professor Johnson recommended?

  W:Oh,I havent read it through the way Id read a novel.I just read a few chapters which interested me.

  Q:What does the woman mean? [2007.6/T15]

  【解析】答案为A。如果听到了S2说的我只读了我感兴趣的几章,即可正确作答。如果没听清,则可从另一角度来解答本题:S1提出一个简单疑问句Have you finished reading the book...?,s2没有直接用yes或no回答。正确选项往往表示对S1问题的否定回答或带条件的肯定回答,此处S2是有条件的肯定。四个选项中与read及the book有关的只有A项.C没有提到 the book的情况。

  【例3】A)The woman is watching an exciting film with the man.

  B)The woman cant take a photo of the mall.

  C) The woman is running toward the lake.

  D)The woman is filming the lake.

  【录音】M:Look,the view is fantastic.Could you take a picture of me with the lake in the background?

  W:I am afraid I just ran out of film.

  Q:What do we learn from the conversation? 『2004.1/T2]

  【解析】答案为B。S1说:风景美极了,以湖为背景给我照张相好吗?S2没有回答yes或no,只是啰嗦了一通恐怕我没有底片了。其含义当然是说 No.但其效果就比单纯的No好得多:我不给你照相是因为客观原因,而不是我不想。这就免得对方生气了。这也正是答非所问的功能之一。另外。本题也可以用听到什么就不选什么的策略。听力原文中,film指照相用的胶卷、底片,而选项中的film都是指电影。正确选项B中的take a photo正是原文中take a picture的同义替换。





  【例4 】A)He has left the army recently.

  B)He quit teaching in June.

  C)He has taken over his brothers business.

  D) He opened a restaurant near the school.

  【录音】W:Are you still teaching at the junior high school?

  M:Not since June.

  Q:What do we learn about the man from the conversation? [2007.6/T14]





  带升调的肯定句,表示疑问.例如:And I do?

  否定疑问句,表示感叹。例如:Isnt it fantastic?

  一般疑问句,表示建议与不满,例如:Are you kidding?


  简短的回答语,如:Really? Oh,no! Terrible!





  【例5】A) The Edwards are quite well-off.

  B) The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.

  C) Itll be unwise For the Edwards to buy another house.

  D) Its too expensive for the Edwards to have in their present house.

  【录音】W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house

  M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, and their present house is not too bad.

  Q: What does the man imply? [2006.6FF13]

  【解析】答案为C。S2的Should they be doing that?句型表明了一种强烈不赞同的语气,对S1提到的they的做法表示否定。题目问S2的话意,我们只要看哪个选项否定了they的做法.那就是正确答案。



  【例6】A) The woman is driving too fast.

  B) The woman is driving at a low speed.

  C) The woman has broken a traffic rule.

  D) The woman has parked her car in a wrong place.

  【录音】M: This is a one-way street. Didnt you see the sign?

  W:sorry.1 didnt.

  Q:What do we learn from the conversation? [1999.6/T9]


  【例7】A)The marl admires the womans talent in writing.

  B)The woman took a lot of pictures at the contest.

  C) The woman is a photographer.

  D) The man is fond of traveling.

  【录音】W:1 won the first prize in the National Writing Contest and I got this camera as an award.

  M:Its a good camera! You can take it when you travel.I had no idea you were a marvelous writer.

  Q:What do we learn from the conversation? [2007.6/T12]

  【解析】答案为A。男士说我不知道原来你是这么棒的作家,由此可以推断出答案选A男士钦佩女士的写作才华。奇道解法:B、C都以The woman开头,说女士爱好摄影。几乎是同义选项,一般都是干扰项,可同时排除。A、D都说男士的心理,并涉及到writing, traveling,应注意听录音内容。应不难听到男士说的when you travel,可排除D。



  【例8】A)The mall has never seen the woman before.

  B)The two speakers work.for the same company.

  C)The two speakers work on the same floor.

  D)The woman is interested in market research.

  【分析】B、C两项非常相似,首先主语都是The two speakers,其次谓语都是work。形态相似,必留给考生较深刻的印象。

  【录音】M:Nice weather,isnt it? Oh,Ive seen you around the office,but I dont think weve met.I am Henry Smith.1 work.in the Market Research Section.

  W:Nice to meet you, Henry.I am Helen Grant.I am in the Advertising Section on the ninth floor.

  Q:What can we infer from the conversation? [2006.6/T17]


  【例9】A)The girls got on weft with each other,

  B)Its understandable that girls dont get along.

  C)She was angry with the other young stars.

  D)The girls lacked the courage to fight. [2006.6/T11]


  【录音】M:What would it be like working with those young stars?

  W:It was a great group. I always got mad when people said that we didnt get along,just because we were sin.There was never a fight.We had a great time.

  Q:What does the woman mean?




  【例10】A) Most students would like to work for a newspaper.

  B) Most students find a job by reading advertisements.

  C) Most students find it hard to get a job after they graduate.

  D) Most students dont want jobs advertised in the newspapers.


  【录音】M:How do most students find a job after they graduate?

  W:They usually look for a job by searching the want-ads in the newspapers.

  Q:What does the woman mean? [2005.1/T5]

  【解析】答案为B。对于男士所问的大多数学生毕业后是如何找到工作的,B和D给出了正好相反的回答。根据反义项原则给予B、D两项特别的关注后,结合by searching the want-ads in the newspapers印证,B项与其意思相同,答案果然不出所料。



  如果四个选项中,只有一个包含mainly, most,mostly,chiefly, not sore, not likely等表示不太确定含义的词语,那么该选项往往就是正确答案。

  含有should, might,may等情态动词的选项也往往是正确答案,这些情态动词都有缓和语气的作用,因而具有正确答案相。


  【例11】A)Tony should continue taking the course.

  B)She approves of Tonys decision.

  C)Tony call choose another science course.

  D)She cant meet Tony so early in the morning.


  【录音】M:Im going to drop my Information-science class.It means too early in the mornin9.

  W:Is that really a good reason to drop the class,Tony?

  Q:What does the woman mean? [2005.1/T2]





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