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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  98:第2题be tired of, 第5题pick up

  98:第1题mistake for, tell them apart,第2题be worth doing,第4题be booked up,第7题we havent seen the worst of it yet,第8题out of print

  99:第7题nothing but,第8题have my hands full with

  99:第7题be counting the days,第9题one-way street

  00:第1题be worn out,第10题get me through to

  00:第4题turn down the offer,第5题be through with,第10题hang about

  01:第2题look it up,第3题bring you up to date,第8题show up

  01:第6题put my weight on it

  02:第3题come through,第5题keep in touch,第9题carry out

  02:第4题count on good weather

  03:第8题be exposed to,第9题thats easier said than done

  03:第2题drop by, 第4题a real bargain, 第7题read it straight through

  031:第2题run out of film,第6题give me a hand,第8题care much for,第9题stay up,第10题give me a ride to

  04:第1题run into, hear from,第4题suffer from,第5题couldnt get used to doing, 第8题remind you of,第9题figure out,第10题have a hard time doing sth

  05:第3题go over,第8题refer to, I dont think its such a big deal.

  05:第2题If I were you, Id do sth,第4题as long as,第5题be out of the way, 第10题nothing but

  051:第4题be beyond me,第5题we are seeing more swings,第6题be out of stock,第8题it would be better if you do sth,第10题hand in

  0617日:第1题but if only,第4题he hasnt said half a dozen words

  0624日:第12题make a mess,第18题you might as well save the trip

  06123日:第12题watch my weight,第18题crash into

  07:第13题pick it up from,第14题as soon as,第15题havent read it through,第16题turn out that

  071:第11题run into, be out of shape, lose a lot of weight, 第12题get on board the plane,第13题now that, 第14题have your hands full

  08:第14题concentrate on, 第16题a second time

  081:第11题be out of touch, 第16题the other day,第17题be up till, decline the mans invitation

  09:第12题confirm the flight, 第16题give you a ride,第17题Nothing comes to mind right now, but Id like to go over all the articles of the contract once more before signing it, 第18题be out of

  091:第11题get it through the money changer, 第16题work out the gym, be out of shape, 第18题be laid off, be tired of doing

  10:第11题get access to,第14题other than

  101:第11题beach resort, 第16题switch off,put it off,第18题black and blue

  11:第11题put on,第14题be in critical condition,pass away,第16题make sense

  111:第11题figure out,第14题be allergic to,第16题check out,第17题on the right track

  12:第12题be fussy about, go for a bite,第16题reach out,第17题a birth certificate

  以上有的考题,考生朋友们觉得每一个词都听懂了,但是答案出不来,有的时候有的话实在听不出什么意思但又不能猜字面意思。比如考到的out of the way等的生僻含义。另外,四级有的时候还会考察一些如wish或虚拟语气引导的题目。






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