英语四级晨读100篇精华版026:No Ads消灭广告
26. No Ads消灭广告
You have no duty to consume advertising. There is no implied agreement between you and the sponsor where by the sponsor finances a website in exchange for your perusing a sales pitch. Advertisers know that many people will flip past a magazine ad or hit mute when a TV commercial comes on. That you have automated the avoidance of ads shows not echical laxity hut technological ingenuity.
Free speech is matched by the freedom of others to ignore that speech; ideas may not he imposed upon us. (Except at the movies, where they show commercials and you can do is hurt popcorn at the screen and shriek in a loud piercing voice which sometimes gets you tossed out.
人们有言论自由的权利,同时其他人也有不理睬别人发表言论的权利,观点是不能强加于人的。 (除了在看电影时播出商业广告,那么你只能向屏幕投掷爆米花并发出剌耳的尖叫声,有时候,有人会因此把你扔出去。但至少这是我了解到的)。
If no one consumed advertising, it might in theory vanish along with the TV shows and Web sites it finances. However. other means of mancing could be found. Public televisiori relies on fund-raiainr:; and sponsorship: many European countries finance TV through taxes. Another possible outeome; your embargo raises the quality of ads, if sueh a thing is possihle. so they seize your eyes or stays your finger from the mute button.
A likelier prospect if many fallows your lead online advertisers will develop counter technology to thwart this blocking. Then youII overcome their advance. and theyII return to their lahs, ereating a nivajry like that of early last century when designers of battleship armor Each spurred the other to greater achievemenL A result was World War I. OK, maybe that isnt a happy resuh, but progress of a sort was made. And without anybody singing about soda pop.
An amateur photographer, I occasionally offer my photos to a small professional jnurnal. I enjoy seeing them in print and dont care that Pm not pairl. A friend, a professional photographer, argues that I shouldnt provide free photos because I unfairly take jobs from professionals who depend on payment for their livelihood. Should I ask to be paid?
You have the right to offer your work at any price you choose. You could, for example, walk a friends dog, there are professional dog walke in the world. Howe quesLion also concentraLes the effect of your acLions on your friend. Were all amateurs to do as you do, there would be a race to . the botton, imperiling all professional pholographers. If photographers compete on the quality of their work, a result will be better photographs- happiness If they compete by ruthlessly cutting山eir fees, a result will be impoverished phomgraphers-miserv-ant eventually. no professional photographers at all.
junk 废旧的东西
laxity 不严格
popeorn 爆米花
shriek 尖叫
embargo 禁止;禁运
rivalry 竞争;对抗
armor 装甲部队
misery 悲惨的情况
undermine 暗中破坏
bruise 伤害
esteem 尊重;敬重
vanily 自负;虚荣
ingenuity 巧妙;创造性
There is no implied agreement between you and the sponsor where by the sponsor finances a web site in exchange for your perusing a sales pitch.
We have worked out a system wherehy we can calculate futuree.
in exchange for:与交换;互换
He gave me an apple in exchange for a piece of cake.