【短对话试题】 5. Q: Who is the woman most probably speaking to? A) A railway porter. B) A taxi driver. C) A bus conductor. D) A postal clerk. 6. Q: What does the woman mean? A) Most people killed in traffic accidents are heavy drinkers. B) She does not agree with the man. C) Drunk drivers are not guilty. D) People should pay more attention to the danger of drunk driving.
【听力翻译与答案讲解】 5. 女:先生,打扰一下。我要把这个包裹寄到伦敦。请问邮费是多少? 男:我看一下。邮费是1.5英镑。 问:女子最可能是在和谁对话? 答案解析: 正确答案为D。从对话中女子询问包裹的邮费可知,女子是在和邮局职员对话,因此D项正确。A,车站搬运工,B,出租车司机,C,公交售票员,均与对话内容不符,排除。 6. 男:我想现在是我们将注意力转向酒后驾车的危险的时候了。 女:我完全同意你的看法。你看,每年有无数无辜的人被酒后驾车的司机致死。 问:女子什么意思? 答案解析: 正确答案为D。I cant agree with you more.这句话表示我非常同意你的看法。对话中男子说该将注意力转向酒后驾驶的危险的时候了,女子说非常赞同男子的看法,并说每年都有无数无辜的人被酒后驾车的司机致死,可见,女子也认为应更关注酒后驾车的危险,因此D项正确。A,大多数在交通事故中丧生的人是醉酒者,对话中女子说有无数无辜的人被酒驾司机致死,并没有说死者多是醉酒者,因此A项与对话内容不符,排除。B,她不同意男子的看法。对话中女子明确表示非常赞同男子的看法,因此B项不符,排除。C,酒驾司机无罪,对话中女子并未表达此意,排除。
【听力原文】 5.W: Excuse me, sir. Im going to send this parcel to London. Whats the postage for it? M: Let me see. Its one pound and fifty. Q: Who is the woman most probably speaking to? 6.M: I think its high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now. W: I cant agree with you more. You see, countless innocent people are killed by drunk drivers each year. Q: What does the woman mean?