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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  英语四级听力短对话模拟训练第96套   【短对话试题】 1.Q: What did the two speakers say about the party? A) They enjoyed the party better than the other guests. B) They knew none of the other guests at the party. C) They didnt think much of the food and drinks. D) They went a long way to attend the party. 2.Q: Where will the woman go first? A) To the dentists. B) To the market. C) To the post office. D) To the bookstore.   【听力译文与答案解析】 1.男:我觉得这位女主人真的把派对办得很成功。 女:是啊,食物和饮料都很棒,不过,如果我们能认识一些其他的客人就好了。 问:谈话者说到了派对的什么信息? 答案解析: 正确答案为B。从对话中得知,二人都认为派对办得很成功,女子还称赞了派对上的食物和饮料,只是他们不认识其他的客人,有些遗憾,因此可以推断出正确答案为B,他们不认识派对上的其他客人。A,他们比其他客人更享受这个派对,对话中未提及,排除。C,他们觉得食物和饮料不怎么样,女子说到觉得很棒,C项与对话内容不符,排除。D,他们走了很远的路才到达派对场所,对话中未涉及,排除。 2.男:你能顺便去趟邮局,帮我买些信封和39美分的邮票吗? 女:嗯,我不打算去邮局,不过我在Market街看完牙医,可以去书店帮你买。 问:女子会先去哪里? 答案解析: 正确答案为A。从对话中得知,男子让女子顺便去邮局帮他买信封和邮票,女子说不会去邮局,看完牙医会去书店帮他买,可知女子会先去看牙医,因此A项正确。B,去市场,对话中未提及,Market Street是牙医诊所所在的街道,对话中并没有提到市场,排除。C,去邮局,女子表示不会去邮局,与对话不符,排除。D,去书店,对话中女子说是看完牙医再去书店,顺序不对,排除。   【听力原文】 1.M: I think the hostess really went out of her way to make the party a success. W: Yes, the food and drinks were great, but if only we had known a few of the other guests. Q: What did the two speakers say about the party? 2.M: Can you stop by the post office and get me some envelopes and 39 cents stamps? W: Well, I am not going to stop by the post office, but I can buy you some at the bookstore after I see the dentist on Market street. Q: Where will the woman go first?



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