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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  英语四级听力短对话模拟训练第118套   【短对话试题】 1.Q: What are the speakers probably going to do? A) Give Bob a phone call. B) Go and pick Bob up. C) Go look for Bob. D) Wait for Bob. 2.Q: Why does Susan want to live in the city? A) She is working in the city. B) Life in the suburbs is lonely. C) Jobs are easier to find in the city. D) Its less expensive living in the city.   【听力翻译与答案讲解】 1.男:我真不明白鲍勃为什么还没到?你觉得我们是应该给他打电话还是去找他? 女:他可能只是遇上交通阻塞了。我们为什么不再多等他几分钟呢? 问:谈话者可能会做什么? 答案解析: 正确答案为D。对话中男子说鲍勃还没到,想给他打电话或是去找他,女子说可能是交通阻塞耽搁了,建议再多等鲍勃一会儿。可知,二人将再继续等鲍勃,因此D项正确,等鲍勃。A,给鲍勃打电话,男子的建议,被女子否定了,A项排除。B,去接鲍勃,对话中未涉及,排除。C,去找鲍勃,同样是男子的想法,女子否定了,C项排除。 2.男:嗨,苏珊!你决定结婚以后住哪儿了吗? 女:我想住在市区,上班近,可是尼尔森想住在郊区,这样可以省钱。 问:为什么苏珊想住在城里? 答案解析: 正确答案为A。对话中苏珊说她想住在城里,因为上班近,因此可知正确A项正确,她在城里工作。B,住在郊区很孤独,对话中未涉及,排除。C,在城里更好找工作,对话中未提及,排除。D,住在城里更便宜,对话中提到尼尔森想住郊区是因为郊区更便宜,D项与对话内容不符,排除。   【听力原文】 1.M: I cant understand why Bob isn`t here yet? Do you think we should try to call him or go look for him?? W: He probably just got held up in traffic. Why dont we give him a few minutes? Q: What are the speakers probably going to do? 2. M: Hi, Susan! Have you decided where to live when you get married? W: Id like to live in the downtown area near my work but Nelson wants to live in suburbs to save our expenses. Q: Why does Susan want to live in the city?



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