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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  英语四级听力短对话模拟训练第93套   【短对话试题】 13.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A) The man can speak a foreign language. B) The woman hopes to improve her English. C) The woman knows many different languages. D) The man wishes to visit many more countries. 14.Q: What will the man do first after class? A) Go to the library. B) Meet the woman. C) See Professor Smith. D) Have a drink in the bar.   【听力答案及解析】 13.女:你去过那么多国家,一定会说好几国语言吧! 男:我希望我是。可是我只会说日语,当然还有英语。 问:从对话中我们能得知什么信息? 答:正确答案为A。从对话中得知,男子去过很多国家,可是外语并不会很多,又从Japanese and, of course English日语,当然还有英语来看,男子会的外语只有日语一个。因此,可以推出正确答案为A,男子可以说一门外语。B,女子希望提高英语水平,对话中未涉及,排除。C,女子希望学习多国语言,对话中未涉及,排除。D,男子希望去更多的国家,对话中没有提到,排除。 14.男:史密斯教授让我课后去他的办公室。所以,十点我到不了酒吧了。 女:那咱们一个小时以后在图书馆见吧。 问:男子课后会做什么? 答:正确答案为C。从对话中得知,男子课后要去见史密斯教授,取消了去酒吧的行程,一个小时以后与女子约在图书馆,可以推出正确答案为C,课后要先去见史密斯教授。A,去图书馆,那是一个小时以后,与对话不符,排除。B,与女子见面,这也是之后的事情,排除。D,去酒吧喝一杯,对话中D项已经取消了,与对话不符,排除。   【听力原文】 13.W: Having visited so many countries, you must be able to speak several different languages! M: I wish I could. But Japanese and, of course English are the only languages I can speak. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 14.M: Prof. Smith asked me to go to his office a fter class. So it is impossible for me to make it to the bar at 10:00. W: Then it seems well have to meet an hour later at the library. Q: What will the man do first after class?



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