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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  英语四级听力短对话模拟训练第91套   【短对话试题】 17.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A) The speakers want to rent the Smiths old house. B) The man lives two blocks away from the Smiths. C) The woman is not sure if she is on the right street. D) The Smiths new house is not far from their old one. 18.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A) The man had a hard time finding a parking space. B) The woman found they had got to the wrong spot. C) The woman was offended by the mans late arrival. D) The man couldnt find his car in the parking lot.   【听力答案及解析】 17.女:我确定史密斯家的新房子就在这条街上,可是我不清楚具体的地址。 男:他告诉我新房子离他们的旧房子有两个街区。 问:从对话中我们能得到什么信息? 答:正确答案为D。从对话中得知,女子只知道史密斯家的新房子在这条街上,男子知道新家离旧家有两个街区,因为可以得出正确答案为D,史密斯家的新房子离旧房子并不远。A,说话的两个人想租史密斯家的旧房子,对话中并未提及,排除。B,男子住的地方离史密斯家有两个街区,对话中提到的是新家与旧家的距离,不是这名男子的家,与对话不符,排除。C,女子不确定她是不是在正确的街道上,对话中女子说她确定是在这条街上,C项与对话不符,排除。 18.女:我都在这里等了有半个小时了!你怎么会用这么长时间? 男:对不起,亲爱的!我开了两个街区才找到停车的地方。 问:从对话中我们能得到什么信息? 答:正确答案为A。对话中得知女子等了男子半个小时,男子解释说去找停车的地方了。可以推断出正确答案为A,男子好不容易才找到停车的地方。B,女子发现他们去错了地方,对话中未涉及,排除。C,女子觉得男子的迟到冒犯了她,对话中并未表述,排除。D,男子在停车场没有找到车,与对话不符,排除。   【听力原文】 17.W: I m sure the Smiths new house is somewhere on the street, but I dont know exactly where it is. M: But Im told its two blocks from their old home. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 18.W: Ive been waiting here almost half an hour! How come it took you so long? M: Sorry, honey! I had to drive two blocks before I spotted a place to park the car. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?



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