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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  英语四级听力短对话模拟训练第100套   【短对话试题】 5.Q: What does the man mean? A) The cinema is some distance away from where they are. B) He would like to read the film review in the newspaper. C) They should wait to see the movie at a later time. D) Hell find his way to the cinema. 6.Q: What does the man say about Bob? A) Hes been to Seattle many times. B) He has chaired a lot of conferences. C) He has a high position in his company. D) He lived in Seattle for many years.   【听力答案及解析】 5.女:我刚刚看报纸上说,《指环王》是今年最棒的影片。咱们为什么不去Grand Cinema电影院看这部电影呢? 男:你不觉得那个电影院有点远吗? 问:男子是什么意思? 答案解析: 正确答案为A。从男子说that cinema is a little out of the way,那个电影院有点远。因此A项正确,电影院离他们的所在地有点远。B,他想在报纸上看看电影的介绍。对话中未提及,排除。C,他们应该等以后再看那部电影,对话中未提及,排除。D,他要找到去电影院的路。与对话内容不符,排除。 6.女:鲍勃说西雅图是开会的好地方。 男:他绝对有权力做评论。他经常去那里。 问:男子说了鲍勃的什么信息? 答案解析: 正确答案为A。男子说鲍勃有权力做这个评论。他经常去那里。可知,鲍勃经常去西雅图。因此A项正确,鲍勃去过西雅图好多次。B,他主持了许多会议,对话中未提及,排除。C,他在公司职位很高,对话中未提及,排除。D,他住在西雅图好多年了。与对话内容不符,排除。   【听力原文】 5.W: I just read in the newspaper that Lord of the Rings is this years greatest hit. Why dont we go and see it at the Grand Cinema? M: Dont you think that cinema is a little out of the way? Q: What does the man mean? 6.W: Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences. M: He is certainly in the position to make that comment. He has been there so often. Q: What does the man say about Bob?



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