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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. In the student recreation center.

  In the campus dining hall.

  In the university bookstore.

  In a classroom.

  20. Studying.

  Preparing snacks.

  Playing cards.

  Learning how to play bridge.

  21. Miss her card game.

  Stay up too late.

  Take too heavy a work load next semester.

  Neglect her studies to play bridge.

  22. He already knows how to play.

  He doesnt like to play games.

  He doesnt have a partner.

  He doesnt have enough free time.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. The effect of the atmosphere on rainfall.

  How conditions on earth support life.

  How water originated on earth.

  A new estimate of the age of earth.

  24. The surface of the ocean is expanding.

  Volcanic activity is increasing.

  The surface of earth contains tons of cosmic dust.

  Thousands of comets are colliding with earths atmosphere.

  25. They are found under the oceans.

  They were most active when earth was first formed.

  Their emissions created earths atmosphere.

  Their fumes are mostly water in the state of a gas.

  Conversation One

  19.B综合推断题。女士说This food is terrible.I cant even finish my dinner.男士说the university could hire a better food service,结合这两句话可以推断,对话发生在食堂,所以B正确。

  20.C信息明示题。女士说Im going over to the student recreation center to play some bridge.接下来男士问You are spending your time on a card game?此可知,女士计划晚上play bridge,故选C。

  21.D信息明示题。男士说You should be caleful not to play so much that you dont get your studying done.所以D正确。

  22.D信息明示题。男士说I have a pretty heavy workload this semester.I have to spend my evenings studying.由此可知,男士这学期的学业很重,他晚上也要学习,故选D。

  Conversation Two





  fill sth.up意为填写,填满,充满,与fill相关的短语还有:fin sb.s shoes接替某人的工作、职务等;fill in临时接替某人;fill sth.in除了指填写,补充,填满以外,还可指打发,消磨,如:Jack filled in the afternoon watching television.杰克以看电视打发下午的时间。

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. Where does the conversation take place?

  20. How does the woman plan to spend her evening?

  21. What does the man warn the woman not to do?

  22. Why does the man refuse the womans offer?

  Conversation Two

  M: How did you like yesterdays astronomy class?

  W: It was interesting. But the point she was trying to make seemed a little far-fetched.

  M: Oh, that new theory that ocean water came from comets?

  W: Yeah. Do you remember what it was based on?

  M: Some recent satellite photos, I think. Apparently, space satellites recently detected thousands of small comets colliding with earths outer atmosphere, almost 40,000 per day.

  W: OK, theyre collided with atmosphere. So thats what created the water?

  M: Its not the collision that created water. Comets contain water. Theyre made up mostly of cosmic dust and water. When they collide with the atmosphere, they break up. And the water they contain rains down to earth. Ocean water came from that rain.

  W: Oh well, this morning I asked my geology professor about that. He said that most geologists dont accept it.

  M: Why not?

  W: Special research indicates that most of the water molecules from the comet would have burned up as they fell through the atmosphere. Enough rain couldnt have reached the earth to fill up the ocean.

  M: Well, did the geologists have an alternative theory to explain where ocean water came from?

  W: Yeah, he said the more traditional view is that the ocean water came from volcanoes.

  M: From volcanoes?

  W: Right. They say volcanic fumes are mostly steam. And they claimed that it was the volcanic steam that created the oceans, not rain from comets.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

  24. What did recent photographs from a space satellite indicate?

  25. What aspect of volcanoes does the woman mention?



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