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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked , , and , and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.



  He is thoughtful.

  He is humorous.

  He is careless.

  He is helpful.


  There are different kinds of folders.

  This decision requires careful thought.

  It doesnt matter which color she chooses.

  The color should suggest the content.

  13. He went to see the dentist a week ago.

  The woman should cancel her appointment with the dentist.

  The womans toothache will go away by itself.

  The woman should have seen the dentist by now.

  14. The man should try to be more understanding.

  The mans wife should be more understanding.

  The mans negative attitude may be derived from his childhood.

  The pessimism of the mans wife may be the result of her past experiences.

  15. She should be careful about spending her money.

  She should not buy the blue dress.

  She should buy the blue dress.

  She should buy the blue dress next month.

  16. He doesnt like his new eyeglass frames.

  He didnt get a haircut.

  He got his eyeglasses a long time ago.

  Several people have asked him about his new eyeglass frames.

  17. Because the working hours were not suitable.

  Because the job was not well paid.

  Because he had to do a lot of traveling.

  Because the job was quite difficult.

  18. To find her way around.

  To enjoy herself thoroughly.

  To remember her culture.

  To see the differences.

  Section A






  put up with意为容忍,忍受。与put有关的短语还有:

  ①put up;

  ②put up a fight;

  ③put sb.up to sth./doing sth.;

  ④put sb.up,如:We want to put you up for club treasurer.





  Section A

  11. W: I will never go with Bill again. He could never remember where he parked his car.

  M: That certainly sounds like Bill.

  Q: What do we know about Bill?

  12. W: I dont know which color folder to use, white or brown?

  M: What difference does it make? Its the content thats important.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  13. W: This toothache is killing me! I was hoping it would just go away but its getting worse by the minute. What did you say the name of your dentist was?

  M: I told you last week to make that appointment.

  Q: What does the man imply?

  14. M: I couldnt put up with my wife any longer. I dont know why she usually wants to look at everything in such a negative way.

  W: Maybe you should try to get to know something about her childhood.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  15. W: The blue dress in the store window is really nice. But I dont have enough money so far.

  M: Yes, if you budget your money more carefully, you would be able to buy it.

  Q: How does the man think about the woman?

  16. W: You look different today. Did you get a haircut?

  M:Thats funny. Youre the third person who asked me that. But all I did was getting new frames for my eyeglasses.

  Q: What does the man imply?

  17. W: Do you know that Mark turned down that job offered by a travel agency?

  M: Yeah. The hours were convenient, but he wouldnt have been able to make ends meet.

  Q: Why does Mark refuse to take the job?

  18. W: Im going to India next month. Is there any advice youd like to give me on my first trip?

  M: Well, see as much as you can because its a country with a very different culture from ours.

  Q: What does the man advise the woman to do?

  Now youll hear two long conversations.



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