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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  seat n. ①座位 ②底座bottom, base ③所在地, 活动中心

  vt. 使就座

  take/have a seat坐下

  be seated坐下

  sit v. (使)坐,(使)就坐be seated

  sit for(准备)参加(考试),应考

  sit in 列席,旁听

  sit up ①熬夜,迟睡 ②坐直,坐起来

  bounce vi. 跳起,弹起

  n. 跳起,反弹

  dive n./vi. ①跳水 ②潜水 ③俯冲

  plunge v. ①投入,插入 ②猛冲dive

  plunge into跳人

  jump n./v. ①跳 ②暴涨

  leap n./v. 跳

  spring n. ①春天 ②弹簧,发条 ③跳,跃 ④(源)泉

  v. ①跳跃 ②出现,发生arise,emerge

  spring to ones feet一跃而起

  spring up①跳起 ②涌现 ③长出来

  step n. ①步,步骤 ②台阶 ③措施

  vi. 走,踏

  step by step逐步gradually, little by little, by degree

  step up加快,促进speed up, quicken

  pace v. ①踱步 ②步测

  n. ①步子 ②步速 ③节奏rhythm

  keep/hold pace with与齐步,跟上

  set the pace定速度

  tramp n. ①流浪者 ②长途步行

  vi. 步行,跋涉

  rush v. ①(使)冲,奔,(使)突进 ②赶忙hurry ③催促press

  n. 冲,急速行进

  a.(交通)繁忙的:rush hour交通繁忙的时间

  run vi. ①奔跑,行驶 ②伸展,蔓延 ③运转,开动 ④流,淌 ⑤经营,管理manage ⑥运送carry

  n. 运行,运转

  run after追捕,追求

  run away with(感情等)战胜,不受约束

  run down①撞倒 ②(很长时间)找到:I finally run the book down in the library. ③贬低:That man doesnt like me. Hes always running me down. ④减少,缩减

  run into①遇到(困难等)meet with, come up against ②偶然碰见,撞上come/run across, crash/drive/knock into ③共计,达之多

  run out (汽油,墨水等)用完,用尽exhaust, use up

  in the long run从长远看in the long term

  on the run跑着,逃跑

  dash n. ①猛冲 ②破折号

  v. 猛冲,突进

  kick v. / n. 踢

  lame a. ①跛的cripple ②有缺陷的,站不住脚的:a lame excuse

  v. (使)跛的,(使)残废

  be lame in/of one leg一只脚跛的

  cripple n. 跛子,残疾人

  v. ①(使)跛,(使)残疾disable ②削弱:cripple the enemy

  lag v. 缓缓而行,落后(于)

  n. 落后delay

  lag behind落后fall behind:Prices are rising sharply, while incomes are lagging far behind.收入远落后于价格的涨速。

  wander vi. ①偏离正题(或正道)deviate ②迷路乱走 ③漫游,徘徊drift


  wonder v. ①惊讶 ②想知道

  n. ①惊奇 ②奇迹

  wonder at对感到惊讶

  wonder about对感到疑惑

  do wonders创造奇迹

  wonderful a. 精彩的,极好的


  splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的excellent, grand, magnificent

  marvelous a. ①奇迹般的 ②惊人的astonishing

  miracle n. 奇迹marvel

  work/do a miracle创造奇迹

  amaze vt. 使惊奇,使惊愕astonish

  It is amazing that + + 原形动词 表示虚拟语气


  astonish vt. 使惊讶

  It is astonishing that+ + 原形动词 表示虚拟语气

  startle vt. 惊吓,使吃惊frighten

  be startled to see吃惊地看到

  be startled by/at sth.为某事吃惊:I am startled at his sudden appearance.



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