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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  W: Can I help you?

  M: Well. I m not .I think so. You see, actually, Im getting married soon. And my friends want to buy me presents things.

  W: And would you like somethings for the kitchen.

  M: Yes, thats right. I thought if I could find out things about kitchen things. They would be the best sorts of presents.

  W: Well. I suppose the first thing you need is a cooker. Do you like a electron one or a gas one?

  M: Em. I think I probably prefer a gas one. But cookers are very expensive. Arent they? How much is this one?

  W: Its one hundred and seventy five cent, including tax and delivery. Its a very good one though.

  M: But Its a lot of money. Isnt it?What sorts of things could I ask people to buy? You know, cheaper.

  W: Well. You need some pans. Wont you? A set of pans, I suppose. and drying pans. Do you like cooking?

  M: Yes. I suppose so.

  W: Well. In that case, you might like a mixer. If you make cakes and things like that. Itll save you a lot of time. And a blender too. Thats good if you make soup and things.

  M: Em. Thats a sort.

  W: Something else you might use is a set of these knifes, you know,carving knifes, bread knifes,steak knifes, fruit knifes, potato peeling knifes.

  M: Havent seen or ever knew so many sorts.

  W: Oh, Yeah. Come over here and Ill show you some more.


  Q9 Why is the man is in the kitchen ware shop?

  Q10 Why does the woman want to know whether the man likes cooking?

  Q11 What does the man say he has never realized?



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