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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  M :I left 20 pages here to copy ,heres the receipt

  W : I m sorry ,sir ,but we are a little behind ,could you come back in a few minutes ?

  Q: what does the woman mean ?


  W: I hope you are not to put out with me for the delay ,I had to stop for the Freds home to pick up a book on my way here

  M : well , thats not a big deal ,but you might at least phone if you know you will keep someone waiting

  Q : what do we learn about the women ?


  W : Mark is the best candidate for chairman of the students union , isnt he ?

  M :well ,that guy wont be able to win the election unless he got the majority vote from women students ,and I am not sure about it ?

  Q :what does the man mean ?


  M : sorry to have kept you waiting ,Madam , Ive located your luggage, it was left behind in Paris and wont arrive until later this evening

  W : oh ,I cant believe this ,have it been to delivered to my hotel then ,I guess

  Q :what happened to the womans luggage ?


  W:I dont think we have enough information for our presentation. But we have to give it tomorrow. That doesnt seem to be much we can do about it.

  M: Yeah, at this point, well have to make do with what weve got.

  Q: what does the man suggest they do?


  M: Im taking this great course psychology of language. Its really interesting. Since youre psychology major, you should sign up for it.

  W: Actually, I tried to do that. But they told me I have to take language studies first.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


  W: Can you believe the way Larry was talking to his roommate? No wonder they dont get along.

  M: Well, maybe Larry was just reacting to something his roommate said. There are two sides to every story you know.

  Q: What does the man imply about Larry and his roommate?


  M: We dont have the resources to stop those people from buying us out. Unless a miracle happens, this may be the end of us.

  W: I still have hope we can get help from the bank. After all, we dont need that much money.

  Q: What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?



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