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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  English Weekly CET-4 Listening Practice Test 10

  Part III Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  11.W: Oh, dear, the manual of the washing machine is in Japanese. I cant wait for Edward to translate it for me. There are too many dirty things.

  M: Dont worry. I can help you wash the clothes before we know how to operate the machine.

  Q: What will they most probably do next?

  12.M: Would you hold the line, Miss Fortune? My mother will talk to you in a minute.

  W: Im afraid I have to hang up. The line will be cut soon as I dont have any more coins.

  Q: Where is Miss Fortune?

  13.W: Have you heard that Adam failed the math exam again? He must be degraded this time. What a shame!

  M: He deserved it. He has always been playing around and never really studied.

  Q: How does the man feel about Adams failure?

  14.W: Our houses are all newly furnished. They are thirty minutes away from the urban area. It is nice and quiet here.

  M: I think they are good, but they are a little bit far from my workplace. Let me give it some more thought and give you a phone call as soon as possible.

  Q: What is the man doing?

  15.W: Papa, look at this Nike T-shirt. Mama bought it for me. Do you know how much she paid for it?

  M: She told me she paid $8 for it. I think it was a real bargain.

  Q: What does the man think of the price of the T-shirt?

  16.W: Can you tell me if you did well in the interview?

  M: Its difficult. You know its always the same, after an interview you think of all the things you forgot to say.

  Q: What conclusion can be drawn from the mans statement?

  17.W: Its ten oclock. Is that too late for us to call Professor Brown about the student council meeting?

  M: Lets hold off till tomorrow.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  18.M: Well, Patti, I would offer you another drink but I have guests coming and I havent even begun to prepare the dinner, thanks for stopping by.

  W: Thanks for the drink. It has been nice seeing you, too

  Q: Why did the man mention his dinner guests?

  Now youll hear two long conversations.

  Conversation One

  W: Ive been reading about a new healthy snack food. Its made from fish. Have you heard anything about it?

  M: No, I havent, but I dont like fish very much anyway.

  W: Not to worry. Although its made primarily from fish, it actually doesnt have a fishy taste. In fact, it can be flavored with tomato, cheese, or chocolate, for instance.

  M: How can it not taste fishy? Do you know how the snack food is made?

  W: First, the fish is cut up and cooked. Then water and flour are added to make a dough.

  M: It sounds awful.

  W: Actually, the dough lacks flavor at that point, so the flavorings are added to give it some taste.

  M: Well, it still sounds a little strange, but I suppose this product will at least be low calorie and high protein, like health food.

  W: Yes, you could call it that. And it has a long shelf life so it wont spoil quickly. And its also easy to digest, and can be made from types of fish that usually arent eaten.

  M: Hmm. Have you got any samples? I might be willing to try the cheese-flavored one.

  W: No, none of it seems to be available yet. As I understand it, this fish snack food probably wont be in the stores for another couple of years. So youll have enough time to get used to the whole idea.

  M: A couple of years, hum? It may just take me that long. But thanks for telling me about it.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19.Whats the conversation mainly about?

  20.Where did the woman probably get the information about the food?

  21.Which ingredient is not necessary in making the snack food?

  22.According to the speakers, what would be the advantage of the new food?

  Conversation Two

  M: Sarah! Havent seen you for ages! Where have you been these days?

  W: Ive been to Hong Kong for several days.

  M: Oh, have you been there on business?

  W: No. Actually Ive been there for a break with my husband.

  M: Really? I guess you must have had a wonderful time.

  W: Yes, indeed. Hong Kong is such a lovely city, and it has got so much to see and do. We got up early and went to bed late. We were rather tired.

  M: What was the first thing on your list?

  W: Ocean Park. It was so much fun! We saw a lot of sharks and dolphins; they were very cute when they were giving performances. Besides, the tropical fishes are just fantastic. Ive even decided to keep some fish at my home.

  M: Sounds interesting. Have you been to the Peak?

  W: Yes, of course. We took the Peak Tram there and we enjoyed a superb view of the whole Hong Kong, including the famous Bank of China Building.

  M: Did you take any photos?

  W: Yes.

  M: Can I take a look at the photos?

  W: Of course. I can take the photos to your office tomorrow.

  M: Terrific! Thanks.

  W: Its OK.



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