按照新修订的大学英语教学大纲对四级听力的要求是:学生在修完基础阶段四级后能听懂英语讲课, 并能听懂题材熟悉,句子结构不太复杂,基本上没有生词,语速为每分钟130-150词的简单对话, 谈话,报道和讲座,掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和主要细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度并能进行一定的分析推理和判断.在听力考试的实际操作中, 上述要求具体表现为以下六项听力技能:
1) 获取特定信息或具体信息的能力
2) 理解明确或隐含表达的信息的能力
3) 判断推理和引申的能力
4) 理解主旨要义的能力
5) 理解说话人的态度,观点和意图的能力
6) 根据所听的内容,准确记录单词及句子大意
考试形式共有三种: 对话题, 短文,和复合听写
2. 改善听力的秘技:良好的听力需要有一个良好的基础,若想在听力部分取得好成绩必须具备基本的听力技能和一定的语言知识的储备, 听力技能是指考生对语言在听说方面所表现出来的特点有一个综合的把握, 如捕捉句子中的重音, 分辨音素及语流中的连读, 省略, 不完全爆破等, 除此之外,考生的词汇量, 句法, 语篇知识,文化背景知识对听力的影响也不容忽视.
1) Confusing sounds:
1. a. pen / b. pen 2. a. collar/ b. color 3. a. sheep/ b. ship
4. a. cup/ b. cop 5. a. work / b. walk 6. a. cap / b. cape
1. a. He was our neighbor from 1992-1998.
b. About half an hour ago.
2. a. Sure. Would you like the salt too?
b. Sure. And you have a pen there, dont you?
3. a. Oh, no! I left it by the lake.
b. Oh, no! I left it on the baseball court.
4. a. Give me a break. Im just having a bad day, OK?
b. Yes, of course. Thats included in the companys compensation package.
5. a. Do you think so? I thought it was a bit too sour.
b. It sure was. Hes one of the best players I have ever seen.
6. a. Yeah, especially if we want to finish this project in time.
b. Yes, but we need to get the material ready first.
2) stress of the words and sentences and weak forms:
a. I want an apple
b. Its hard to tell.
c. Hes planning to resign.
d. Can I have some milk with my tea please?
e. Ive never been to a Christmas party.
f. I usually work on my novels on the weekends.
Example: 看一条英文的手机短讯
the book all but one I shant be long we can do it
Bread and butter where shall we go?
1.___________ 2._________ 3. _________
4.____________ 5.__________ 6._________
3) liaison:
1.___________ 2._________ 3. _________
4.____________ 5.__________ 6._________
上一篇: 四级新题型预热听力的长对话
下一篇: 四级三十天的90分